Professor Ismail Suayip Guloglu, an academic member of the Department of Mathematics, Dogus University, Turkey, was a guest lecturer of the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (FUM) from Saturday to Monday 15-17 February 2020. During his visit, he presented two lectures on the subject:


The academic members and graduate students of the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences of FUM participated in these seminars. The research fields of Prof. Gologlu focus on the group theory and graphs which are the same for some of the faculty members and graduate students in the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences in FUM. For this purpose, joint meetings were held on Sunday and Monday with Professor Ismail Guloglu and suggestions were made  to carry out some  joint research works.

It should be mentioned that Professor Ismail Guloglu is one of the invited speakers at the 12th Group Theory Conference, which will be held on 18-19 February at the Tarbiat  Modarres University

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