Thesis Title Student Section Supervisor Defence Date
Section Supervisor
statistical inference in proportional odds modelraheleh hasanabadiM.Sc.Doostparast2010-09-09
Comparing engineering systems by signatureabdolsaeed toomajM.Sc.Doostparast2010-09-09
The TTT and GTTT stochastic orders and their applicationsmojtaba esfahaniM.Sc.Amini2010-09-11
Properties and Applications of the Renyi’s Maximum Entropymanije sanei tabasM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2010-09-11
Self-similar processe and estimation of Hurst parameterelham mirfarahM.Sc.Fashandi2010-09-14
Test-statistic and its distribution in two sample problemshamid soleimani toroghiM.Sc.Tabatabaey Mashhadi2010-09-22
Evidential inference and its role in the sample size determinationMahdi Zoghdar moghadamM.Sc.Emadi2011-01-24
Almost lack of memory propertysedighe epramM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2011-03-06
A connection between estimation based on information measures and maximum likelihood estimationfatemeh abbaspourM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2011-03-16
Some properties of progressively Type-II censored datasaeide simrizM.Sc.Razmkhah2011-05-28
Statistical inference based on an adaptive type-II progressive censored data in exponential distributionHadi SanjiM.Sc.Habibirad2011-05-30
On the nonparametric estimation of the mode under left truncation model with strong mixing datasamane ehsaniM.Sc.Fakoor2011-09-17
Ranked set sampling in ordered dataseyed Mahdi salehi baygiM.Sc.Ahmadi2011-09-19
Estimating the Parameters of the Generalized Exponential Distribution in Presence of Censoring Dataali abasiM.Sc.Abbasnezhad Mashhadi2011-11-01
Panel Data Econometricszahra khoshkamM.Sc.Sarmad2011-11-01
Explicit expression for moments of order statistics in Normal, Log-Normal, Gamma, Beta and t with their applicationshadi belashniyaM.Sc.Doostparast2011-11-01
Characterization of distributions based on measures of entropydavoud mohammadiM.Sc.Abbasnezhad Mashhadi2011-11-01
Analyzing length-biased data with semiparametric transformation and accelerated failure time modelszahra ghanaieM.Sc.Fakoor2011-11-20
Asymptotic behaviors of kernel estimator for the regression function in a random censoring modelsomayyeh bavafaM.Sc.Fakoor2011-12-22
Testing normality in the presence of outliershossein saber jabdaragM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2012-01-08
Statistical inference on the basis of sequential order statisticselaheh velayatiM.Sc.Doostparast2012-01-26
Characterization based on income inequalities and total time on test and their connectionsBehzad GholizadehM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2012-01-28
Examination of Archimedean bivariate copula models for some truncated and censored random variablesmostafa boskabadyM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2012-02-01
Comparing penalized splines and fractional polynomials for flexible modeling of the effect of continuous predictor variablesmahdieh mirzaieM.Sc.Emadi2012-02-08
Statistical inference for Tail Dependence measures and Some ApplicationsMahla Ghasem Nejad FarsangiM.Sc.Amini2012-02-14
Parametric inference based on window censored data in repair processMansooreh RazmkhahM.Sc.Ahmadi2012-02-14
Estimation and tests of independence in copula models using Information Measuressamaneh khosraviM.Sc.Amini2012-02-14
On the properties of cumulative residual entropy and introducing a measure of discrimination based on it.aday chamanyM.Sc.Baratpour Bajgiran2012-02-14
Cumulative entropy and relative topicsfateme khodadadiM.Sc.Baratpour Bajgiran2012-03-13
imputation of missing value by nonparametric and semiparametric regression with algoritmjavad vizvariM.Sc.Emadi2012-05-20
Simple and effective boundary correction for kernel densities and Regressionelahe akhoondzadeh kashaniM.Sc.Emadi2012-06-13
Examination of estimation methodes for censored data and their applications in economicmalihe shakeri raveshM.Sc.Habibirad2012-07-15
Density function estimationatieh ganjealiM.Sc.Arghami2012-08-12
evidential inference and goodness of fit tests by information measuresmahsa tavakoliM.Sc.Arghami2012-08-15
Group theory applications in statistical inferenceMehdi ShamsPhDEmadi2012-09-13
On the Comparison of Estimators based on Pitman criterionkheirolah okhliM.Sc.Ahmadi2012-09-15
Step-Stress models for continuous and discrete lifetime distributionsAhmad ArefiM.Sc.Razmkhah2012-09-17
Exploring some aging classesAli CharkhiM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2012-09-18
On the generalized confidence intervals on the basis of progressively Type-II censored order statisticsSobhan ShafieiM.Sc.Razmkhah2012-09-19
Providing package for locally D-optimal designs in Poisson and Logistic regression modelsEhsan MasoudiM.Sc.Sarmad2012-09-20
Examination of heterogeneous panel data and using them to analyze the economic datamozhgan norafshanM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2012-09-20
Semi parametric regression with limited dependent variableMehrdad NaderiM.Sc.Emadi2012-09-20
Adaptive progressive censoringmohamad bayatM.Sc.Ahmadi2012-09-20
Characterization of statistical distributions based on recordsAli khosraviM.Sc.Fashandi2012-09-20
Statistical inference for the three-parameter lognormal distribution based on censored data and record valuesamin zangoieM.Sc.Habibirad2012-10-07
Prediction in step-stress testingamineh sadegpourM.Sc.Razmkhah2012-10-23
Comparing ranked set sampling schemes based on Fisher informationMina MirshahiM.Sc.Ahmadi2012-12-01
Bayesian inference for generalized exponential family Based on censored dataseyed erfan razaviM.Sc.Habibirad2013-01-25
Notes on Rao Cramer Lower Bound via a Bayesian Viewelham khaleghpanah noughabiM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2013-01-27
Multivariate concomitants of records and order statisticssamaneh jalambadaniM.Sc.Razmkhah2013-01-28
Properties of Frailty Modelsmasoomeh bozorgM.Sc.Amini2013-01-28
Meta Analysishadis pouresmailiM.Sc.Sarmad2013-01-30
Topics in Data miningRohullah HussainiM.Sc.Sarmad2013-01-30
Estimation of Dynamic panel data models with both individual and time-specific effectssahar mahdaviM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2013-01-31
‏Asymptotic Behavior of Quadratic and Billinear Forms in dependent random variablesnegar eghbalPhDAmini2013-01-31
Some properties of information measures based on aspects of reliability measuresSalimeh Yasaei SekehPhDMohtashami Borzadaran2013-03-10
برآورذ موجکی تابع چگالی تحت سانسور ضربیMohammad AbbaszadehPhDEmadi2013-05-30
Confidence interval sfor quantiles based on ranked set samplingElham ZamanzadeM.Sc.Ahmadi2013-06-10
Contibutions on reconstructions of missing ordered dataBahareh Khatib AstanehPhDAhmadi2013-06-30
The entropy as a tool for analysing statistical dependences financial time seriesMajid FathiM.Sc.Baratpour Bajgiran2013-07-03
Statistical inference of dependence function in Extreme Value Copulasvajihe zendebadM.Sc.Amini2013-07-03
Distorted Copula and it’s propertiesHossein Ali Mohtashami BorzadaranM.Sc.Amini2013-07-03
Evidential Inference for Diffusion ProcessAniseh DadgarPhDEmadi2013-08-12
Goodness of fit tests based on entropyHadi Alizadeh NoughabiPhDArghami2013-09-04
An exact algorithm for preventive maintenance planning of series-parallel engineering systemssamira teimooriM.Sc.Doostparast2013-09-15
Modelling of dependence between critical failure and preventive maintenance: The repair alert modelfatemeh roozbahanM.Sc.Doostparast2013-09-16
Bayesian estimation based on ranked sets samplingReza Alizadeh NoughabiM.Sc.Ahmadi2013-09-17
Properties of kendall,s distribution functionmaryam shakerhedayat abadM.Sc.Amini2013-09-17
characteristics of zenga indexseyed jamal khorashadi zadeM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2013-09-18
Parametric statistical inference based on lifetimes of coherent systems with signaturemohammad sadegh siampour ashkavandiM.Sc.Doostparast2013-09-19
Percentile residual life for paralell systems with nonidentical componentsshirin alizadeh baghalM.Sc.Razmkhah2013-09-21
Contributions on stress-strength reliability for some continuous modelszohreh pakdamanM.Sc.Ahmadi2013-09-21
Large-sample study of the kernel density estimators under multiplicative censoringmohsen noori momrabadiM.Sc.Fakoor2013-09-22
Density function estimation in length-biased datamasoud ajamiPhDFakoor2013-09-26
on reliability of coherent systemsmajid chahkandi,Sara GhanbariPhDAhmadi,Razmkhah2013-09-26
Some contributions on quantile based entropy functionmahboobeh arab nezhadM.Sc.Fashandi2013-10-12
A survey on Burr XII regressionmahdi pourabdollah e meynagM.Sc.Baratpour Bajgiran2013-10-15
Nonlinear Quantile Regression With Copulamorteza mohammadiM.Sc.Emadi2013-10-27
On study of bivariate censored survival data using copulasmajid sanatgarM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2013-11-19
Statistical inference based on sequential order statistics from generalized Pareto distributionMahdy EsmailianPhDDoostparast2013-12-26
A Generalization on Pitman Closeness of Ordered Data to Population Quantilesneda Ebrahimi takaluoM.Sc.Razmkhah2013-12-30
Inference for Stress-Strength in Lomax and double Lomax distributionsadele khabiryM.Sc.Baratpour Bajgiran2014-01-11
Statistical quality control based on ranked set sampleho geramiM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2014-01-13
Contributions on copula of order statistics and its application in reliabilityNiloufar PourkazemiM.Sc.Fashandi2014-01-14
Reconstruction of past records for continuous modelsmaryam saberM.Sc.Ahmadi2014-01-16
Some New Methods for Constructing Copula Functions and its Dependendce StructuresSeyed Mohsen Mirhosseini AbrandabadiPhDAmini2014-01-16
analysis of the dependence structur of vine copulasneda doodmanM.Sc.Amini2014-01-22
Finding notes in Bayesian information measuresarezu rahman purM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2014-01-22
Statistical inference for the three-parameter gamma distribution based on censored dataBibi Hamideh Seyed MousaviM.Sc.Habibirad2014-01-26
adaptive sampling without replacement of clustermarzieh bayatiM.Sc.Baratpour Bajgiran2014-01-27
Multivariate Regressionsara shahamatiM.Sc.Sarmad2014-01-29
Inference based on joint censoring schemesmohammad vali AhmadiPhDDoostparast2014-01-30
Regression modeling in interval-valued fuzzy environmentMohammadreza RabieiPhDArghami2014-01-30
Stochastic Ordering in Fuzzy Environmentsreza zareiPhDRezaei Roknabadi2014-02-26
Extended models based on ordered datamosayeb ahmadiPhDMohtashami Borzadaran2014-03-12
Generalization of likelihood ratio and proportional likelihood ratio orderings and applications of them for the mixture and weighted distributions.jalil jarrahi ferizPhDMohtashami Borzadaran2014-03-15
Methods scheduling of the projects with probabilistic activity or probabilistic durationreza bidkhaniM.Sc.Fakoor2014-07-12
Goodness of fit tests based on entropynafise noroziM.Sc.Fakoor2014-07-27
Goodness-of-fit testing of exponentiality based on parametric empirical processahmad rahmatzaeeM.Sc.Fakoor2014-07-27
Some economic designs in statistical quality controlAzam Sadat EiziM.Sc.Doostparast2014-08-12
A new class of weighted exponential distributionsali gholizadehM.Sc.Emadi2014-08-17
Bounded right linear operators on quaternionic Hilbert spacesensiyeh sepahiM.Sc.Fashandi2014-08-30
Compare several optimization methods in fuzzy linear regressionmansooreh moghadasM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2014-09-01
Out-of-samplecomparisonofcopulaspecificationsinmultivariate density forecastselaheh velayatiM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2014-09-10
Gini regression and its applicationssamaneh khaki yadegarM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2014-09-17
System signature and its application in analysis of coherent systems from the perspective of information theoryabdolsaeed toomajPhDDoostparast2014-09-18
Circular regressionshima hajizadehM.Sc.Sarmad2014-09-18
Statistical Inference for Stress-Strength Based on Order Statisticsmaryam basiratPhDBaratpour Bajgiran2014-09-20
Responce Surface Methodology:Software,Multi responce and Fuzzy Coefficientselahe akefM.Sc.Sarmad2014-09-20
On the Dependence Structure of Hitting times of Stochastic ProcessesEnsieh Nezakati RezazadehM.Sc.Amini2014-09-20
Analytical Hierarchy Process and its application in the social sciencefarzaneh khosraviM.Sc.Habibirad2014-09-20
Statistical inference on the basis of system lifetimes with dependent components for component distributionsnahid sadat alaviM.Sc.Doostparast2014-09-21
Density function estimation in semiparametric models by Hellinger distancemaryam hesamarefiM.Sc.Fakoor2014-09-21
Non-parametric tests for right-censored data with biased samplingAli ShariatiM.Sc.Fakoor2014-09-22
Optimal replacement times in repairable systems and comparison study of optimal replacement timesfatemeh safaeiM.Sc.Ahmadi2014-09-22
Nonparametric regressionraheleh zaminiPhDFakoor2014-10-02
Limit Theorems for Fuzzy Random VariablesHamed AhmadzadePhDAmini2014-11-19
Determining location and site selection of Mehr Bank branches in Mashhad based on spatial statistics using GISjavad dakhiliM.Sc.Fakoor2014-12-02
Regression issues from information theory prespectivefaeze shakibaM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2014-12-06
Contribution on maintenance policy based on age-replacementvahid asadiM.Sc.Ahmadi2014-12-14
Symmetric tests based on copula functionsali rostamiM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2014-12-28
Generalized lambda distribution and notes based on economical inequalitiesElaheh KadkhodaM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2015-01-20
Characterization of Statistical Distributions Based on Reliability MeasuresFatemeh HootiM.Sc.Fashandi2015-01-20
properties of correlation orderVahideh Mohtashami BorzadaranM.Sc.Amini2015-01-22
A review of some statistical indices in economynasrin hasanypoorM.Sc.Razmkhah2015-01-25
Contributions on prediction of ordered dataElham BasiriPhDAhmadi2015-01-27
Bonfferoni Coefficient Properties and Conection with other Inequality IndicesMohammad KazemianM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2015-01-27
An order-statistics-based generalization of FGM distribution and it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s propertiesafsaneh rezaeifarM.Sc.Amini2015-01-28
Bayesian Estimation Of Frailty Modelsmalihe heidarzadeM.Sc.Ahmadi2015-01-29
Pitman measure of closeness in ordered dataelham mirfarahPhDAhmadi2015-01-29
Comparing the ranking of the labor force development of northern Khorasan province with country Using TOPSIS Modelmozhde rezaiiboroonM.Sc.Baratpour Bajgiran2015-01-29
Stochastic orders in sequential order statisticsMohammad BaratniaM.Sc.Doostparast2015-01-30
Copula functions with discrete and continues margins under the censoringzahra ataeiM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2015-01-30
comparison of semiparametric and parametric methods for estimating copulassomayeh khoramiM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2015-01-30
On properties of the number of the observations near ordered dataMasoumeh LakePhDFashandi2015-01-31
Empirical comparison of nonparametric regression estimates on real datazahra hamidiM.Sc.Emadi2015-02-04
SPC Procedures for Autocorrelated Processesgohar ghorbaniM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2015-04-22
Test for homogeneity in gamma mixture models using likelihood ratiobehrooz ghasemi ochtapehM.Sc.Emadi2015-06-08
On the mean past and mean residual life in discrete modelshahnaz nazari kahangiM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2015-07-15
Response surface methodology using fuzzy logicHosein RangrizM.Sc.Sarmad2015-07-22
The exponential-G distributions familyZohre JavanshiriPhDHabibirad2015-07-28
On statistical inference and quality control in fuzzy environmentAbbas ParchamiPhDSadeghpour Gildeh2015-08-09
Tests of independence for bivariate distributions using copula functionMansoor zargarPhDJabbari Nooghabi2015-09-09
Estimating the parameters of regression model by Generalized maximum entropymanije saneiPhDMohtashami Borzadaran2015-09-10
Control Chart Pattern Recognition Using Artificial Neural Networks in Rjavad naghdbishiM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2015-09-12
Joint economic-statistical design control chartsmaryam sadat motaghiM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2015-09-15
Prediction of progressvely Type-II censored dataSomayeh GhafouriPhDHabibirad2015-09-16
Reliability and mean residual life of complex systems with dependent componentszahra saberzadeM.Sc.Razmkhah2015-09-17
On study and comparison of lifetime of coherent systemsmitra sobhaniM.Sc.Ahmadi2015-09-17
Quality control charts in fuzzy environmentmehrnaz mozafari peymanM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2015-09-17
Statistical inference for Weibull power series distributionfereshteh ghalibafanM.Sc.Habibirad2015-09-19
Concepts of Gini Index and its Impact on Insurance IssuesFarnaz DerakhsheshM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2015-09-19
On properties of progressively Type-II censored order statistics arising from dependent and non-identical random variablesJaber KazempoorM.Sc.Baratpour Bajgiran2015-09-20
Extensions of cumulative residual entropyvahid ghonjalipoorM.Sc.Baratpour Bajgiran2015-09-20
Inferences based on sample-dependenthakimeh morabbi heraviPhDRazmkhah2015-09-22
Parametric and Non-parametric Inference Under Interval-Censored Datafateme fayazanM.Sc.Habibirad2015-09-22
Nonparametric Analysis of Left Truncated dataPetros AsghariPhDFakoor2015-09-22
Prediction methods using parametric and nonparametric estimation of regression quantilefatemeh mastaliM.Sc.Emadi2015-10-20
Concepts of entropy measures in ordinal data (order statistics and record values)amirhamzeh khammarM.Sc.Baratpour Bajgiran2015-12-08
Multiplicative, additive and accelerated hazard rate models in survival analysisebadollah dabiri khalifehgheshlaghiM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2015-12-22
On Study of life time of systems with a cold and warm standby componentsamir masoud meymandiM.Sc.Ahmadi2015-12-30
Using the notion of copula in tomographyHossein Valipour MoghaddamM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2016-01-05
Aspects of Stochastic Orders and Dependence Based on Weighted DistributionsSalman IzadkhahPhDAmini2016-01-07
Generalized exponential records:existence of maximum likelihood estimates and its comparison with transforming based estimatesmaryam oroujiM.Sc.Emadi2016-01-12
Capability index for Birnbaum–Saunders processesDavuod dariaeM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2016-01-13
Application of system signature for comparing coherent systems with dependent and heterogeneous componentsamin amiriM.Sc.Doostparast2016-01-13
Baysian predicting observables based on progressively Type II censored dataelham samadiM.Sc.Razmkhah2016-01-18
Examine the relationship between interest rates facilities granted and inflation rates in conditions of various economicKambiz VahidM.Sc.Emadi2016-01-19
Ranked Set Sampling in ordered data: Prediction and EstimationSeyed Mahdi SalehiPhDAhmadi2016-01-20
CIRCULAR REGRESSION MODELazade ghazanfari hesariM.Sc.Sarmad2016-01-25
Linear mixed models and their applications for predictiing the market demand of industerial companiesjalal aghelnezhadM.Sc.Doostparast2016-01-26
equality and goodness of fit tests and density function for copulasfatemeh saharkhizM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2016-01-26
Analytical bayesian multilevel models and its application in the social scienceReza RezaiyM.Sc.Habibirad2016-01-26
Multilevel models for discrete response datamarjan hassaniM.Sc.Habibirad2016-01-27
estimation of the parameters of the Weibull distribution in the presence of outliersmohadese sadat javadiM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2016-02-29
Adaptive Cluster Sampling for rare speciesbibi zahra miriyanM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2016-02-29
Gaussian copula and its applicationsMehraneh pakzadM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2016-03-15
Using confidence interval to compare process capability indiceszohreh parvanehM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2016-05-30
Assessing the lifetime performance indices based on order statisticsAdel Ahmadi NadiM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2016-06-01
Analysis of depndence structure sibuya copulaaliyeh ahmadiM.Sc.Amini2016-06-02
Classical, Bayesian and Evidential Inferences based on Sequential Order Statisticsmajid hashempourPhDDoostparast2016-07-18
Rate of Convergencs for Weighted Sums of Dependent Random Variableshabib naderiPhDAmini2016-09-03
Kullback-Leibler Information of the Equilibrium Distribution Function and its Application to Goodness of Fit Testmehran sadeghpoorM.Sc.Habibirad2016-09-11
On the reliability based on the mean residual quantile functiontayebe kenarangiM.Sc.Razmkhah2016-09-17
Comparisons of the performance of coherent systems based on stochastic ordersRaheleh FallahnezhadM.Sc.Baratpour Bajgiran2016-09-18
Nonparametric statistical quality control charts in fuzzy environmentFERESHTEH MOMENIPhDSadeghpour Gildeh2016-09-18
on the process capability indicesZainab Abbasi GanjiPhDSadeghpour Gildeh2016-09-19
Goodness-of-fit Tests Based on Length-Biased DataSeyed Mahdi Amir JahanshahiPhDHabibirad2016-09-21
Evaluation of reliability and optimization engineering systems with redundancy componentskhadije yazdan panahM.Sc.Doostparast2016-09-21
Economical Reliability Appraisal for Acceptance Sampling Plans With Variable Qualitative SpecificationsKHALIL MANSOURI TARNIKM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2016-09-21
On the Robustness of the Parametrics Estimation for Cencored DataNahid saghiryM.Sc.Habibirad2016-09-21
Residual lifetime of k-out-of-n systems with exchangeable componentsMostafa HossainiM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2016-09-21
Some properties of stochastic orders in lifetime variableszohreh zamaniPhDMohtashami Borzadaran2016-10-27
Subjects of Past Entropyakram biglariM.Sc.Baratpour Bajgiran2016-12-03
Comparative Study among Income Inequality Indices ‎shahryar mirzaeiPhDMohtashami Borzadaran2016-12-08
a Loss-based process capability indicesfruzan teymori sanganiM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2017-01-15
The design of generalized likelihood ratio control chart for monitoring the process mean and varianceali akbar Kazemi NiaM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2017-02-01
Statistical inference in the repair alert model for engineering systemsmohammad atlehkhaniPhDDoostparast2017-02-08
Conditional quantile residual lifetime models for censored datasamaneh Abasi mandiM.Sc.Doostparast2017-02-13
َA Review on the System Reliability Based on Masked Datamaliheh sooriM.Sc.Razmkhah2017-02-15
Confidence band for conditional variance functionnastaran nikoojamal safiabadM.Sc.Fakoor2017-02-15
Directional dependence; Features and some of its applicationsfateme ilkhaniM.Sc.Amini2017-02-15
Optimization of Random Maintenance Policiesmahbobeh senobaryM.Sc.Doostparast2017-02-18
Repetitive Variable acceptance sampling plan for one-sided specificationfahime shishe chiM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2017-02-18
Exponential entropy and its extension and applicationsajjad mazloum panjeh kehM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2017-03-07
Misspecification and Bootstrap Tests in Multivariate Time Series Models with Conditional HeteroskedasticityVahid Pour MohammadM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2017-03-15
A unified ranked set sampling schemeAbbas EftekharianPhDRazmkhah2017-05-17
Maximum entropy based on income inequality ‎measure‎sAli Khosravi TanakPhDMohtashami Borzadaran2017-05-18
Switching nonparametric regression modelsAtefeh Nejad esmailM.Sc.Emadi2017-06-07
Study Behavior Some of Shrinkage Estimators of the Multivaiate Linear Regression Modelreza fallahPhDTabatabaey Mashhadi2017-06-29
Survey Power-Normal Distribution Based on Copula FunctionsKAREEM YASIR DHUMAD AL-JASIMM.Sc.Emadi2017-07-09
Reliability Acceptance Sampling Plan for the life time distributionHayder qasim MohammedM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2017-07-10
Some applications of confidence distributionsfiras AlsudaniM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2017-07-22
Nonparametric Predictive Inference in Fuzzy Environmentsoheil shokriPhDSadeghpour Gildeh2017-08-07
‏‏‎The ‎Comparison Neural Network, ‎Decision Tree and Cox ‎Models in Classification of Survival Datareza mokaramPhDEmadi2017-08-08
Comparison of panel Regression and ARIMA model in forecasting stock prices of companies in Tehran stock exchange‎yasaman zinatiM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2017-08-30
Study of dependence structure of order statisticsjavad samieyM.Sc.Amini2017-09-11
Application of Entropy in FinanceMostafa KhodaverdiM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2017-09-19
A study of moments and likelihood estimators of the oddweibull distributionseyedeh mahsa yahia zadeh mashhadiM.Sc.Emadi2017-09-19
Features a several of semi-parametric hazard rate model and reversed hazard rate model.mona aghdasiM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2017-09-19
Survival Data Analysis with Time-Dependent Covariates Using Generalized Additive ModelsHadi NourollahiM.Sc.Habibirad2017-09-20
Bounds via Chernoff-type inequalities and measures of reliabilityfaranak goodarziPhDAmini2017-09-20
Production process capability analysis based on ranked set samplingSamaneh AsghariPhDSadeghpour Gildeh2017-09-21
The application of linear regression model in survival analysisRUSUL MOHSIN MOHRAIB AL SARRAYM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2017-09-26
New techniques in non-parametric process control chartsReyhaneh agheli nikM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2017-10-11
Some discussions on ageing and stochastic comparison of systems with dependent componentsMotahareh ParsaPhDJabbari Nooghabi2018-01-13
Convex and concave-types inequalities and their applications in the distribution theorymohaddeseh mohammadipourM.Sc.Fashandi2018-01-15
Circular regression in politicsmohammad reza sarvariM.Sc.Sarmad2018-01-17
Dependent Properties of Lifetime Random Variables Basec on Copula FunctionَAzadeh SharifiM.Sc.Amini2018-01-17
‎Performance Analysis of ‎Preliminary Test Estimator and Conflicting Test Statisticsmohammadhossein karbalaeePhDTabatabaey Mashhadi2018-02-07
On weighted cumulative (residual) entropy and relative topicsMALIHEH MIR ALIPhDBaratpour Bajgiran2018-02-12
Some contributions on the stress-strength reliabilityZohreh PakdamanPhDAhmadi2018-02-12
Evaluation of reliability standby systems and allocation redundancy components in series and parallel systemshadi rabbaniM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2018-02-14
some topics in the acceptance conditional sampling plansRobab AfshariPhDSadeghpour Gildeh2018-02-14
Modelling the markovian repairable multistate engineering systems on the basis of random repair times and evaluation of their availabilitieszohre abbasniaM.Sc.Doostparast2018-02-17
Designing of acceptance sampling plan by variable based on loss functionSaeede MoltajiM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2018-02-17
The Design of Multivariate Sign EWMA Control Chartkhadije tavakoli narbandM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2018-02-17
Copula-Based Regression Modelsatefeh javid nezam dostM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2018-02-18
Estimation of parameters of model and process capability index of type ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎C_L‎‎‎‎‎ under progressive type-I ‎interval‎ censoringAyoub SahnehM.Sc.Razmkhah2018-02-19
Reviews feature and comparison for Continuous acceptance sampling planmonire nazariM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2018-02-19
On non-parametric estimation of dynamic entropyaref rashedM.Sc.Baratpour Bajgiran2018-03-05
Preventive Maintenance and Repair of One-Shot Systems and Likelihood InferencesHabib charckaziM.Sc.Ahmadi2018-03-05
Analysis of Dependent Risk Models Based on Copula Functionhussam ahmadM.Sc.Amini2018-07-04
Relationship between economic inequality indices and reliabilityzahra behdaniPhDMohtashami Borzadaran2018-08-16
Lin-Wong divergence properties for lifetime dataMOHADESEH KHALILIPhDHabibirad2018-09-05
Efficiency of regression estimator in finite populationsraziyeh sahraeeM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2018-09-15
Bivariate beta distribution and its propertiesFahimeh MohammadzadehM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2018-09-16
Presmoothed distribution function estimator for censored data and its application in log-rank testreza heidaryM.Sc.Fakoor2018-09-17
On dynamic inaccuracy measuresmilad keikhahM.Sc.Baratpour Bajgiran2018-09-22
‎Topics on Testing Statistical Hypotheses Based on Ranked Set Sample Data‎Hamid RahmaniPhDRazmkhah2018-09-22
on the Run Length distribution for control charts with runs rulesSomayeh SharafiM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2018-09-22
Properties of Lin-Wong measure on Type-I censored variableALIREZA PAKGOHARPhDHabibirad2018-09-22
An Extension of Kumaraswamy-G family of distributionsmorad alizadehPhDEmadi2018-11-14
Pre-processing and inter-processing methods for the sake of visual outlier detection and pruning their effects on support vector machineMandana MohammadiPhDSarmad2018-11-21
Entropy Performance in Finance and the Stock MarketMohammad TaghizadehM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2018-12-19
Nonparametric profile monitoringtayebe hoseiniM.Sc.Emadi2018-12-29
Study of reliability in view of degradation data and their application in engineering systemsEnsieh NezakatiPhDRazmkhah2019-01-23
Properties of Archimedean Copulas and Applications in Order dataMOHSEN HOSSEINPOURM.Sc.Amini2019-02-16
Some contributions on the Kerridge’s inaccuracy measure based on the distribution and survival functionsseyedeh toktam hoseiniM.Sc.Ahmadi2019-02-17
Capability index and process yield measurement for simple linear profilemaryam jalilian ameliM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2019-02-18
Cox regression models with functional covariates for survival datamahsa kazeraniM.Sc.Emadi2019-02-18
Randomized Response Models in samplingmaryam sadeghiM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2019-02-18
Estimation of Model Parameters Based on Multistage Ranked Set Sampling Schememajid kheyrkhahparisiM.Sc.Razmkhah2019-02-19
some goodness-of-fit tests based on copula and application of it in stock dataMotahareh Erfanian shadkamM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2019-02-19
A Statistical Approach to ClassificationFatemeh MahmoudiM.Sc.Razmkhah2019-02-19
Life Time Testing For One-shot Device Datamehrnaz jaliliM.Sc.Ahmadi2019-03-18
Study on the coherent systems with independent and dependent components by using system signaturesamaneh boroomand jahed avalM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2019-03-18
Generalized Farile-Gumbel-Morgenstern Copula and Application in Analysis of Dependence Competing Risksparisa tavakoliM.Sc.Amini2019-06-17
A reversed-hazard-based nonlinear model for comparing some populationsMohammad BaratniaPhDDoostparast2019-07-06
Asymptotic behavior of distribution‎, ‎hazard and density functions for associated random variables under truncation and censoringAmir hossein ShabaniPhDJabbari Nooghabi2019-07-07
Acceptance Sampling Plans using Ranked Set Sampling Methodsmansoore razmkhahPhDSadeghpour Gildeh2019-07-10
Divergence Measures and Goodness of Fit Testsvahideh ahrariPhDHabibirad2019-08-24
Some optimal policies on maintenance and repair of systemsFatemeh SafaeiPhDAhmadi2019-08-27
Counting data regression based on the Bell distributionGhazaleh PoorebrahimM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2019-09-18
Creat‎ing LRQMM package for predicting the breeding value of animals by corrected mixed quantile ‎regressionSayyed Reza AlavianM.Sc.Sarmad2019-09-21
Some topics on the Generalized likelihood Ratio Control Chartseyede fateme asghari baygiM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2019-09-21
analysis of systemic risk based on copula functionfatemeh alizadehM.Sc.Amini2019-09-22
Optimal policy for number of repairs and replacement times for repairable systemsMohsen JamaliM.Sc.Ahmadi2019-09-22
Application of Mixture Gaussian and Mixture Gamma Distributions in Wireless Channel Description and Related Problems Solutionhabibollah abed hodtaniM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2019-09-22
Taguchi quality control and some applicationsseyyede mahsa mashayekhiM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2019-10-23
Comparison and analyzing of economic inequality ‎indices‎ and their ‎role ‎on‎ other scienceshahab rashkiM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2020-01-11
Modeling the duration of unemploymentZahra Esmaeel NezhadM.Sc.Habibirad2020-01-20
‎Criteria to compare complex systems in chance space‎Rouhollah MehralizadePhDAmini2020-02-12
Non-parametric quassi-likelihood in the generalized linear models for random right censored datameysam soltanipoorM.Sc.Fakoor2020-02-15
Investigation of Survival Models with Proportional hazard Rates and modified Proportional reverse hazard RatesAhmad Shahdadi KalatM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2020-02-17
Ordered Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Its Application Assessing Satisfaction with Public Transport ServiceHossein Mohammad Reza NezhadM.Sc.Sarmad2020-02-19
linear regression analysis on interval valued dataMahin RadfarM.Sc.Razmkhah2020-02-19
ََAsymptotic behaviour of kernel estimators under dependent samplesazam kheyriPhDAmini2020-02-19
Regression tree with dependent predictor variablesMostafa BoskabadiPhDDoostparast2020-08-02
Construction of new copula functions using distortion methodHossein Ali Mohtashami BorzadaranPhDJabbari Nooghabi2020-08-26
An approach in modeling risk-adjusted quality control charts based on fuzzy dataAfsaneh RezaeifarPhDSadeghpour Gildeh2020-09-06
Applications of Entropy in Statistical Quality ControlSeyedeh Azadeh Fallah MortezanejadPhDMohtashami Borzadaran2020-09-08
Statistical inference for skew-normal distribution based on order statistics‎parisa hasanalipourPhDRazmkhah2020-09-13
Some results on k-out-of-n systems with a random number of componentsmotahareh zaeemzadehM.Sc.Ahmadi2020-09-14
Artificial neural networks and maximum and minimum daily stock price forcastingfatemeh choubinehM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2020-09-15
Generalizations of the Gini index and they inference perimetermahya ghasemiM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2020-09-19
Statistical Inference based on the relationship between Copula Density Function and Divergence MeasuresMorteza MohammadiPhDEmadi2020-09-21
Joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data for patients with pneumoniabehshid yasavoliM.Sc.Habibirad2020-09-21
ARTFIMA model of time series and its applications and introduction of SARTFIMA modelFatemeh RahimabadiM.Sc.Doostparast2020-10-19
memory type control chart for monitoring process mean and dispersionShadi SabetM.Sc.Emadi2020-11-02
A study on frailty models and using them in estimation and optimizationFatemeh HootiPhDAhmadi2020-12-31
extropy and study of its propertiesAMIR BARANIM.Sc.Baratpour Bajgiran2021-02-08
Some Topics of Statistical-Economic Design of X ̅ Control Charts under Different Samplingazamsadat eiziPhDSadeghpour Gildeh2021-02-14
Inference in Regression Models using the Propensity ScoreElaheh KhazaeiM.Sc.Fakoor2021-02-16
Study of Statistical and Mathematical Models to Investigate the Factors Influencing the Development of Acquired Infections from the HospitalTOKTAM VAZIFEHDOUST AHMADIM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2021-02-16
Selective maintenance of multi-state systems with structural dependenceamirhossein mohammadiM.Sc.Doostparast2021-02-17
Statistical process control using generalized additive profilesMahdiyeh ErfanianPhDSadeghpour Gildeh2021-02-17
Designing control charts and acceptance sampling plans for the mean and quantiles of the Weibull distributionadel ahmadi nadiPhDSadeghpour Gildeh2021-05-22
Empirical entropy inference with length-biased datahussain aleagobePhDFakoor2021-07-17
Acceptance sampling plans based on Life testmahla ameli lakhe dozM.Sc.Sadeghpour Gildeh2021-08-30
Reliability modeling of standby systems based on different switching methodsZohreh BehboudiPhDMohtashami Borzadaran2021-08-31
Properties of variance of log likelihood function based on information criteriasaeid maadaniPhDMohtashami Borzadaran2021-09-05
Estimation of dependence parameter in presence of outliers using copula functionBibiMaryam TaheriPhDJabbari Nooghabi2021-09-14
Control and quality on the autocorrelated dataVAHIDEH GORGINPhDSadeghpour Gildeh2021-09-18
Analysis Gene Set with Coefficient of Intrinsic Dependencenasrin ahmadian maskM.Sc.Amini2021-10-06
Generalized beta-normal distributions and their applicationsAhmed mawlood kadhim Al mafrachiM.Sc.Emadi2021-10-10
‎Probabilities version of Taylor and the mean value theorems and their applications in reliability theoryzahra karimiM.Sc.Fashandi2021-10-11
Goodness of ft test based on information criterion for censored data with bootstrap approachfatemeh omidiPhDFakoor2021-10-13
The optimal policy for preventive replacement and maintenance of a systemali ezzdinePhDRezaei Roknabadi2021-10-13
Optimal redundancy allocation in engineering systemsHamideh JeddiPhDDoostparast2021-10-14
Acceptance sampling based on Birnbaum-Saunders and Log-logistic lifetime distributionsNarges Akhavan FatemiM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2021-10-14
Characteristics of the Zenga index and risk in truncated lifetime distributionsmahboobeh kadkhoday arabM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2021-10-14
Discussions based on criteria in economic inequalitiesfatemeh sanei korghondM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2021-10-16
Joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data based on Bayesian methodmarziyeh kazemiaslM.Sc.Habibirad2021-10-18
Some Reliability Notions Under Dynamic Conditionspooya mahabadiM.Sc.Razmkhah2021-10-19
Study on the crossings of reliability and survival analysis measureskimia nozarM.Sc.Ahmadi2021-10-19
Estimation of density function with bounded support by kernel methodhanan razzaq mansoorM.Sc.Fakoor2021-10-20
Dependence structure of a new family of generalized bivariate distributionsvahideh mohtashami borzadaranPhDAmini2021-12-01
Test of normality based on empirical CDF and comparative studiessara alrikabiM.Sc.Habibirad2022-02-13
Nonparametric Bayesian inference in stochastic volatiliy estimationMaryam FathiM.Sc.Fakoor2022-02-16
Bayesian empirical likelihood for ridge and lasso regressionFaeze AhmadiniyaM.Sc.Fakoor2022-02-16
Bayesian modeling based on positive random variables in the presence of outliersKheirolah OkhliPhDJabbari Nooghabi2022-02-17
Modeling Exchange Rate Using Conditional Autoregressive Modelsalireza afkariM.Sc.Amini2022-02-19
Comparison of the restricted mean survival time with the hazard ratio in clinical trialsRazieh RamezanpourM.Sc.Fakoor2022-02-19
Concepts of bivariate and multivariate Lorenz curvesomar maksaniM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2022-02-21
Extensions of the Archimedean family of copulas and some applicationsneda doodmanPhDJabbari Nooghabi2022-02-24
Multivariate zero-and-one inflated poisson model with applicationsReyhaneh ArafehM.Sc.Doostparast2022-02-27
Quantile regression and their ApplicationsSaharsadat PazookM.Sc.Emadi2022-03-08
Data mining methods to combat and detect money laundering crimes in the economyMilad ArabM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2022-03-09
Supervised Learning Methods on Histogram DataFathimah Al MashumahPhDRazmkhah2022-09-07
Estimation of subpopulation parameters in sampling schemes from finite populationsMostafa HossainiPhDRezaei Roknabadi2022-09-11
Empirical likelihood inference in survival analysis with length-biased dataNarjes AmiriPhDFakoor2022-09-14
On the Imperfect Repair: Some Reduction of Age ModelsMina TeymooriradM.Sc.Razmkhah2022-09-18
Forecasting stock prices using hybrid time series modelMahboubeh AbdiM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2022-09-18
Extensions of Total Time on Test Tansformmojtaba esfahaniPhDAmini2022-09-18
Optimal design of experiment in censoring models for lifetime units with Weibull distributionnmohammad reza eramiM.Sc.Ahmadi2022-09-18
Optimal Maintenance and Repair Strategies for Coherent Systems with heterogeneous componentsAli PourmovahedM.Sc.Ahmadi2022-09-19
Analysis of ageing intensity in some continuous lifetime distributionmahla salimi koshkiM.Sc.Amini2022-09-19
Machine learning techniques in the analysis of censored survival dataMUSTAFA HADI JAWAD MZEDAWEEM.Sc.Emadi2022-09-19
A study of EM algorithm based on likelihood estimation in generalized Gompertz regression model in the presence of survival dataMahin KafiM.Sc.Emadi2022-09-19
Modeling and forecasting Bitcoin price using ARIMA and GARCH modelsHayder AlawadiM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2022-11-07
Properties of economic inequalities based on generalized beta distributionahmed hussein oudah khlafM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2022-12-20
Improved estimators of parato distribution parametersahmed almansarawiM.Sc.Fakoor2023-02-19
Study of reliability assessment based on losses due to failuresMohammad EtesamM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2023-02-22
Investigating the reliability of systems in the stress-strength model with semi-parametric and dynamic approachessara ghanbariPhDRezaei Roknabadi2023-02-23
Goodness of fit tests for the inverse Rayleigh distribution based on censored dataSekineh MoslemiM.Sc.Habibirad2023-02-25
Applications of correspondence analysis based on cumulative frequenciesameer abdulhussein kadhim al-fayyadhM.Sc.Sarmad2023-03-11
Modeling and analysis of fluctuations in the digital currency exchange rate(BTC/USD)motahareh zahedi dehuyiM.Sc.Amini2023-05-03
comparing Funtional linear regression model with randomly censored data and uncensored dataReihane ZakeriM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2023-06-17
Inflated multivariate power series family and its applicationsHadi SabooriPhDDoostparast2023-08-12
The quality test of process capability indices‎Hamideh IranmaneshPhDJabbari Nooghabi2023-08-29
Bayesian estimation of proportional hazards model parameters with length-biased and censored dataMarjan SohrabiM.Sc.Fakoor2023-09-19
Analysis of bivariate responses longitudinal data in linear models with mixed-effectsMina Maghbool HamediM.Sc.Arashi2023-09-19
Copula-Based Probabilistic Implications: Properties and applicationsElnaz Madani KhoshbakhtM.Sc.Amini2023-09-25
Investigation of NB and SVM methods for text classificationNastaran SadoughiM.Sc.Sarmad2023-09-25
Reliability properties of consecutive k-out-of-n:F SystemsMaryam ParehkarM.Sc.Ahmadi2023-09-26
Joint analysis of longitudinal and interval-censored failure time datamahla namjooM.Sc.Habibirad2023-09-28
The efficiency of entropy for examining the risk of financial markets and predicting the Value at Risk of assetsYounesi MaedehM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2023-09-30
Improvement of the Word Alignment in the Statistical Machine Translation and word.alignment Packageneda daneshgarPhDSarmad2023-10-04
Reliability of multicomponent complex systems on the basis of degradation datazahra saberzadehPhDRazmkhah2023-10-05
Analysis of Control Charts for Variable Quality Characteristics Based on Copula FunctionHussam AhmadPhDAmini2023-12-27
A study on age-based preventive maintenance policy for coherent systemsZOHRE FAHIMIM.Sc.Ahmadi2024-02-04
Empirical likelihood confidence intervals for Lorenz curve with length-biased datamahdiyeh vejdanimahmoodiPhDRezaei Roknabadi2024-02-07
Features and Generalizations of Information MeasuresFahimeh MolaeiM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2024-02-13
An overview of statistical evidence evaluation criteria and introducing a criterion for measuring and quantifying it in evidential inferenceANIS SANCHOLIM.Sc.Emadi2024-02-18
Estimation of Premium for Pareto and Burr XII Distribution in the presence of OutliersRahele MollayePhDJabbari Nooghabi2024-02-19
Optimal Maintenance Policies in View of Uncertainty Theorysomayeh shahraki dehsoukhtehPhDRazmkhah2024-02-19
Effect of crossing hazard rate functions in joint modelling of survival and longitudinal datamahsa sadat sajadi avalM.Sc.Habibirad2024-03-06
The relationship between ROC curve and economical inequalityzahra salmabadiM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2024-04-04
Modeling and analysis of competing risks with multivariate longitudinal dataJaber KazempoorPhDHabibirad2024-05-02
Properties and applications of weighted cumulative Kullback–Leibler divergance measureBibimaliheh HosseiniM.Sc.Doostparast2024-08-21
The nonparametric estimation of the option pricing in stock market indexZakie RezaeezadeM.Sc.Fakoor2024-09-16
The Influence Of Uncertainty on Some Maintenance PoliciesFaeze LimoueiM.Sc.Razmkhah2024-09-17
Condition-Based Maintenance Based on the Reduction of Age modelkhatereh rajiniaPhDRazmkhah2024-09-17
Parametric Estimation in Joint Mean-Covariance Longitudinal ModelAlireza BarzegarvarekiM.Sc.Arashi2024-09-19
High dimensional data classification using penalized logistic modelMahdi RahimiM.Sc.Arashi2024-09-19
maintenance policies with multiple failure modes after warranty expiryHananeh KhalilzadehM.Sc.Doostparast2024-09-19
Estimating the Parameters of Power Lomax Distribution Based on Some Generalizations of Progressive Type II Hybrid CensoringMaryam DaneshamozM.Sc.Razmkhah2024-11-03
A study of accelerated lifetime tests for one-shot systems under some lifetime distributionsSeyed Morteza PanjtaniM.Sc.Ahmadi2025-02-15
Dynamic Bayesian Networks in Clinical Data AnalysisSamin VojdaniM.Sc.Fakoor2025-02-18
The application of deep learning in the analysis of survival data under the generalized Weibel model based on censored data.Nasrin MoradiPhDHabibirad2025-02-18