Thesis Title Student Section Supervisor Defined date of defense
Section Supervisor
A parallel approach to solve Resource-constrained project scheduling problem analyticallyTareghian0000-00-00
Some Improvements of Branch and Bound method in Resource Constrained Project Scheduling problemabbas khayatiM.Sc.Tareghian2010-03-13
An approximate solution of an optimal control problem related to HIV infectionali mohebiM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2010-05-19
Optimization of the number of keys in combining cryptography and access control approaches for data outsourcinghoda golgirM.Sc.Tareghian0000-00-00
The new approach for solving semi-infinite optimal control programming PDE problemMahmoud MahmoudiP.H.D.Vahidian Kamyad2011-01-17
A new iterative method based on a block symmetric matrix for solving linear systemsHamideh NasabzadehP.H.D.Toutounian Mashhad2011-01-22
Fuzzy Mathematical Modelling and control of HIV infectionHassan ZareiP.H.D.Vahidian Kamyad2011-01-18
the optimal dosage of one drug in idiopathic epilepsy patients by fuzzy controlSomayyeh LotfinoghabiM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2011-09-18
Fuzzy Irrigation Schedulingmorteza tamanaM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2011-05-15
Numerical Solution of Optimal Control Problems via Legendre and Chebyshev Polynomialsemran tohidiM.Sc.Farahi2011-04-16
Delay control models in treatments of HIV infection of CD4+T-cellszohre jahangiriM.Sc.Farahi2011-09-13
solving of nonlinear feedback optimal control problems by using inclusion equations and measure theorymohamad kamyabi nezhadM.Sc.Farahi2011-09-18
Optimization Control and Shape Design of an Arterial BypassATEFEH GOORAN ORIMIM.Sc.Farahi2011-12-15
Control of a Class of Nonsmooth Dynamic SystemsHamid Reza ErfanianP.H.D.Vahidian Kamyad2011-10-17
Optimal treatment of epidemic disaeses with time delayali ketabdariM.Sc.Farahi2011-04-09
Optimum Nutritions for diabetic patients in fuzzy environmenthossien eghbaliM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2011-05-01
A Study on the effectiveness of different hormones on predictive factors of mathematical performanceAbbas AmaniM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2011-09-22
On the effect of Bidirectional scheduling scheme in the performance of Genetic-algorithm for the solution of the RCPSP.Azadeh EstiriM.Sc.Tareghian2011-05-17
Analysis of stability of diffuse parameter systems using LAMP systemsmehdi abasiM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2011-02-14
An innovative approch for optimizing wharehouse capacity utilizationkhalil erfaniM.Sc.Tareghian2011-05-10
Numerical solution for a system of singularly perturbed linear and similinear convection diffusion equations.Mohammad GhorbanzdehP.H.D.Kerayechian2011-07-20
Optimal Control of a Class of Nonsmooth Systemsmohammad hadi noori skandariP.H.D.Vahidian Kamyad2011-09-20
On scheduling of activities to maximize the net present value of projectsmarziye mortazavi nejadM.Sc.Tareghian2012-05-05
Computational Improvement Of Phillips Algorithm In Time And Cost Tradeoff Problemnastaran sadat haji seyyediM.Sc.Tareghian2012-05-05
time-cost trade off in the planing networks with generalized precedence relationsnajmeh rahmatiM.Sc.Tareghian2012-05-06
Numerical Solution of a Class of Optimal Control Problems Using Homotopy Perturbation MethodSeyed Mostafa MortazaviM.Sc.Farahi2012-07-01
Differential Diagnosis Chest Pain With AHP Fuzzymahbouneh jafarizavehM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2012-06-14
using approximating functions in delay optimal control problemsfatemeh fayazM.Sc.Farahi2012-05-05
Delay control models in treatment of diseases via Fourier seriesGhodsiye GhanbariM.Sc.Farahi2012-05-05
Using of approximating polynomials in solving a class of time delay optimal control problemsfateme ghomanjaniP.H.D.Farahi2011-12-24
Design and construction of air suspension ball by Takagi Sugeno fuzzy method.احمد شوقیM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2013-06-04
A new approach for solving fuzzy controlled and optimal controlled systemsMarzieh NajariyanP.H.D.Farahi2011-12-04
optimal fuzzy control of a poisoning-pest modelmansoreh keshtegarM.Sc.Farahi2013-04-22
An applicable method for Solving Fractional Control and Optimal Control SystemsSoleiman HosseinpourM.Sc.Farahi2013-04-22
Using Sliding mode Control in Stability of Control and Optimal Control Systemsebrahim abkhizyM.Sc.Farahi2013-04-22
The stability consideration of the delay model of tumor growthfahimeh divandarM.Sc.Farahi2013-04-22
Application of singular value decomposition to the image processingmaryam rahimiyanM.Sc.Kerayechian2013-06-04
Reactive scheduling in the multi-mode RCPSPzahra akhavan imaniM.Sc.Tareghian2013-05-20
Using Disruption Management Ideas to schedule the RCPSPLeili RazmaraM.Sc.Tareghian2013-05-20
application of projection function in solving optimization problem and optimal controlmohammad eshaghnezhadM.Sc.Effati2013-05-06
Using Boolean Algebra to solve a multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problemRazie CheshomiM.Sc.Tareghian2013-05-20
A linear integer formulation to assign firefighter to fire stations and propose an algorithm for solving itamene kananiM.Sc.Ghanbari2013-05-20
optimal control of Non-Autonomous Switched Linear systemsMohammadreza RamezanialP.H.D.Vahidian Kamyad2011-11-03
Arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation interval parameters predicted by prZahra MohammadzadehM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2013-08-26
Variational iteration method for solving a class of the optimal control problem and its applications in chemotherapy for tumorsFreshte ImaninezhadM.Sc.Effati2013-10-14
The study of the effectiveness of student\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s learning styles ,working memory capacity ,math anxiety ,goal orientations ,math attitude and math attention in retention of mathematical content in grade 7mojtaba davari roshkharM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2014-03-03
Stops Location Problem In Public Transit Networkelahe salariyanM.Sc.Ghanbari2014-05-12
Numerical-analytic solutions of a class of Kdv problem using symmetry methodAzadeh Rajabzadeh MoghaddamP.H.D.Gachpazan2015-09-08
content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge and student performance in trignometryrobabeh abediP.H.D.Alamolhodaei2015-09-22
Heuristics for Image Segmentation Using MulticutAlaleh MaskookiP.H.D.Effati2016-07-02
On the affect of supply chain management on a firm's revenuefatemeh talebiyan mashhadiM.Sc.Effati2018-03-05
Improving AOR iterative method by preconditioning for special matricesmahjoobe kiyani radM.Sc.Kerayechian2017-08-07
Multi-objective Optimization of Directional Antenna Location and Configuration in Wireless NetworksMARZIYEH SAMIMIM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2013-09-11
Numerical methods for some stochastic partial differential equations and their application in financial mathematicsseyedeh fatemeh nassajian mojarradP.H.D.Soheili2017-12-16
Generalized basis functions in meshless methodssamane pourkhaje namaghiP.H.D.Soheili2023-02-26
Exploring students\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' understanding of integral calculus of multivariables functions using APOS theoryafsane esmaeiliM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2019-02-24
Numerical solving of continuous stirred tank reactor problem using whale algorithmReza JafariM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2019-10-23
Optimizing the performance of large-scale networks using data validation and reconstructionSedigheh SadeghiP.H.D.Ghanbari2020-02-19
Content analysis of derivative and its applications of Year 12 calculus textbook with respect to proof and reasoningmozhgan abolhasani shandizM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2021-05-10
Using graphs to model and analyze dataMOHAMMADREZA MOUSAZADEHM.Sc.Tavakoli2021-04-19
Multi objective programming problem in the hesitant fuzzy environmentsara vaseiM.Sc.Effati2021-04-19
Global dynamics of an epidemic model with standard incidence rate and vaccination strategyZeinab Abdi VavsariM.Sc.Gachpazan2023-03-06
Infectious disease modeling and its solution from the perspective of mathematical modelingHossein Gholami ChahkandP.H.D.Gachpazan2023-10-04
Heuristic and approximate algorithms for finding independent edge sets with minimum number of a graphsara oskoueianP.H.D.Tavakoli2023-05-03
The vertex cover polynomial of some graphsYousif Rahman Hussein Al DhuhaibawiM.Sc.Tavakoli2023-05-01
Students Learnings of mathematical foundations through exploring the discourse of a definition -a commognitive approach-Fatemeh DorriP.H.D.Alamolhodaei2023-06-17
Improving numerical solution of partial differential equations with deep learning and moving mesh methodsُsomayyeh JafariP.H.D.Soheili2023-09-30
Evaluation of vascular access clinical course in hemodialysis patients: outcome prediction using machine learning techniques and dynamic systemHanie KhosrojerdiM.Sc.Effati2023-07-10
Solving Linear quadratic optimal control problems using reinforcement learningAhmad Khorsand AlizadehP.H.D.Effati2023-09-18
The element free Galerkin method for numerical approximation of three dimensional linear elliptic problemsElahe AhmadzadehM.Sc.Soheili2024-02-03
Solving a class of optimal control problems of continuous time systems using deep learning techniquesRoya KhaliliP.H.D.Solaymani Fard2023-09-18
Optimal use of tower cranes and lifts in high-rise building projects -optimal layout, optimal schedule-Mahdi AhmadniaP.H.D.Ghanbari2023-10-28
Energy consumption prediction using machine learning techniquesZohre Kazemy SegonbadM.Sc.Ghanbari2024-02-19
Machine Learning for Combinatorial OptimizationMarziye AvizhganM.Sc.Ghanbari2024-02-19
k-clique metric dimensions under some products of graphsZeinab ShahmiriP.H.D.Tavakoli2024-08-17
Direct Solving of a classification of fuzzy optimization problemsAli MehrabianP.H.D.Ghanbari2024-01-13
On the certain metric dimention of graphsFateme AminiP.H.D.Tavakoli2024-01-31
Predicting the success of technology companies using metaheuristic algorithmsFahime AliabadiM.Sc.Ghanbari2024-03-11
On some irregularity measures of graphsRaheleh KhakbazM.Sc.Tavakoli2024-05-27
Solving fuzzy graph partitioning problems using optimization algorithmsMohammed Al-saeediP.H.D.Tavakoli2024-02-07
investigation of anomaly detection methods in banking transactionsRezvan Najib KarizkarM.Sc.Ghanbari2024-04-29
A least squares twin support vector machine method with uncertain dataVajiheh MobasheriM.Sc.Effati2024-04-15
Improving forex market trend prediction based on news and sentiment analysisSeyedehzahra HashemiP.H.D.Solaymani Fard2024-04-29
A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Algorithmic Trading in ForexAmirashkan JafarizadehM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2024-06-10
Weak Meshless Methods For Solving Phase-Field Fracture ModelAmin Abrishami MoghadamP.H.D.Soheili2024-06-18
Optimal control of a SIR model with application in modeling and analysis of the spread of COVID-19Hamidreza KananiM.Sc.Effati2024-07-08
Designing a prediction model for athlete\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s sports performance with neural networkSara Zamani M.Sc.Effati2024-07-08
Error analysis of Chebyshev polynomial-based numerical method for system of hypersingular integral equationsFatemeh TahmasebiM.Sc.Gachpazan2024-07-08
Solving k Partitioning Problems by heuristic methodsFadhil Al-sabbaghP.H.D.Tavakoli2024-08-17
Optimal Control of Mathematical modeling of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic with highlighting the negative impact of quarantine on diabetics peopleفاطمه اکرمیM.Sc.Effati2024-08-12
Graph Partitioning Problem with Partition Dependent WeightsMohammad Amin EsgandaniP.H.D.Ghanbari2024-09-14
Equivalent Formulations of Optimal Control Problems with Maximum Cost and ApplicationsMohammad ShekariM.Sc.Effati2024-08-12
Optimal control of unknown dynamic systems with delays in state and input variablesHoma PouyanfarP.H.D.Effati2024-09-17
Numerical solution of the two-dimensional first kind Fredholm integral equations using a regularized collocation methodLeyly YaghbzadeM.Sc.Gachpazan2024-10-07
A multi-model approach to the development of algoritmic trading systems for the Forex marketNegar Nasrollahi ShahriM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2024-10-28
Strong edge metric dimension of graphsSatar AlthijeelP.H.D.Tavakoli2024-12-04