Thesis Title Student Section Supervisor Defined date of defense
Section Supervisor
On optimal schemes in type II progressive censoringelham basiriM.Sc.Ahmadi0000-00-00
رگرسیون غیر خطی و شبکه های عصبیhamideh jeddiM.Sc.Doosti0000-00-00
On Multivariate Elliptically Contoured DistributionsAnis IranmaneshP.H.D.Tabatabaey Mashhadi2009-12-31
Characterization and comparison of different types of lower bounds for variance of unbiased estimatorsSamira NayebanP.H.D.Rezaei Roknabadi2011-02-12
estimation with unbalanced panel data having covariate measurment errorsamane mohammadzadeM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2011-06-22
Notes on distortion in relative entropy and risk measurement and role of rate-distortion in information theoryhabib hassan zadehM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2011-08-23
percental fanction...mahboobe akbariM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2011-06-07
On The Mean Residual Life and The Mean Past Life of SystemsMotahareh ParsaM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2011-06-07
statistical inference based on ranked set sampling and judgment post- stratificationAli DastbaravardeP.H.D.Sarmad2011-11-28
Application of entropy in repairable systemsemad ashtari nezhadM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2012-05-13
Improved Estimators Based On RecordsReza Arabi BelaghiP.H.D.Tabatabaey Mashhadi2011-06-22
Non-parametric inference for censored datafahimeh fathiM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2013-05-15
PERCENTILE RESIDUAL LIFERaziyeh HoushmandDalirM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2013-05-15
Inverse sampling methodsalireza taghipoorM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2014-03-12
Maximum entropy and Minimom information measures base copula functionmohadeseh jalal shahkoieM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2015-01-05
A view on Dependency and Information Measuresomid khozein ghanadP.H.D.Mohtashami Borzadaran2015-03-11
Topics on Stress-strength parameter in the Generalized Lambda DistributionMahdi Zoghdar MoghadamP.H.D.Emadi2015-08-16
Topics in Stochastic comparisons of series-parallel systems with heterogeneous Weibull componentsbehnam karimiM.Sc.Emadi2015-08-31
Properties of Leimkuhler curve and its relationship with other inequalityvahideh asghariP.H.D.Mohtashami Borzadaran2015-09-16
Information theory and option pricingNeda SalehpourP.H.D.Mohtashami Borzadaran2015-09-16
Discussions on Adaptive Sampling DesignsAmin Ferdosi MakanP.H.D.Rezaei Roknabadi2016-02-17
fuzzy clustering of crisp dataseyed ahmad abaszadehM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2016-06-06
on the identification of extreme outliers and dragon-kings mechanisms in the upper tail of income distributionbatoul abasianM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2020-10-19
Goodness-of-fit test for Rayleigh distribution based on censored samplesnaghme baghbanM.Sc.Habibirad2021-12-06
Learning decision trees on the basis of spatial informationTahereh AlamiP.H.D.Doostparast2022-02-13
Some properties of Tsallis entropy based on a doubly truncated random variablesamira jalayeriP.H.D.Mohtashami Borzadaran2022-01-11
Forecast the price of cryptocurrencies in the next dayfatemeh gonabadiM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2022-11-02
Prediction on the basis of machine learning algorithms and the quantile regression modelZahra KhorsandiM.Sc.Doostparast2022-08-03
Admissibility of lifetime performance index with respect to weighted squared-error loss function in Pareto distribution under progressive type II right censored sampleFateme AlizadekhomariM.Sc.Emadi2022-11-09
Studying the properties of log-symmetric and reciprocal-symmetric distributionsElahe OmidfarM.Sc.Fashandi2022-11-02
Forecasting the rate of cryptocurrencies with the help of hidden information in economic and market factors using machine learning modelsFatemeh SahranavardM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2022-11-23
Bayesian estimation of parameters in GARMA time seriesSeyede Tayebe JafarypourM.Sc.Fakoor2023-02-07
properties of the Jensen-Shannon divergencehaniyeh riyahiP.H.D.Doostparast2023-02-20
Analysis and investigation of several different Stress - Strength modelsSeyede Najme Alavi SiniM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2023-05-23
Investigating the biase of the Gini coefficient in grouped dataMaedeh NajafiM.Sc.Mohtashami Borzadaran2023-03-15
Ensemble Learning for Spatially Discete Choice Models on the basis of Random Forest AlgorithmShakib PanahbehaghP.H.D.Doostparast2023-07-22
Investigating different estimators for managing multicollinearity and outlier data in linear regression modelsazam imaniM.Sc.Emadi2023-08-13
Generalization of most entropic copula distributions based on dependence measuresElaheh KadkhodaP.H.D.Mohtashami Borzadaran2023-07-09
Multivariate time series analyses with Bayesian networksMobina HeydariM.Sc.Doostparast2023-07-08
Text mining social media data for sentiment analysis and customer feedback analysisMasoud KowsariM.Sc.Sarmad2023-07-11
Application of deep learning methods in forecasting meteorological parametersBehshid YasavoliP.H.D.Habibirad2023-08-15
Topics in modelling systems with dependent components based on copula functionVahideh SinaeiM.Sc.Amini2023-09-10
Discussions in Stochastic Multi-class Support Vector MachineTara MohammadiP.H.D.Jabbari Nooghabi2023-09-30
Using discrete event simulation and data envelopment analysis to reduce emergency department crowdingReihane AhmadiM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2023-11-04
Estimating the parameters of the finite population by the ranked-set sampling method using auxiliary informationMohammadhossein ZarinkolahP.H.D.Jabbari Nooghabi2023-12-02
Rate of Convergence for Weighted Sums of dependent random sequences with copula dependence structureomolbanin hadianfarP.H.D.Amini2023-11-20
Estimation of premium in weibull distribution in the presence of outliersebrahim sohrabiP.H.D.Jabbari Nooghabi2023-12-12
Properties of vitality function and its generalization based on ordered data and its applications in reliabilityMahla DehghanM.Sc.Ahmadi2024-03-11
Optimizing logistics performance using big economic data with a machine learning analysis approachMobina KarimiM.Sc.Emadi2024-02-20
Exploring the Graph Neural Networks for Molecular Property PredictionAmir JlogirM.Sc.Arashi2024-02-19
Mixed-effects Regression Modeling with Scale Mixture of Skew Normal ResponseFatemeh AbdollahiM.Sc.Arashi2024-02-20
Bayesian analysis for positive data in the presence of outliers and estimation of information measuresMahsa SalajeghehP.H.D.Jabbari Nooghabi2024-02-17
Enhanced Bayesian Structure Learning of DAGsSamaneh NazariP.H.D.Arashi2024-03-11
Stochastic orderings based on mean past lifetimeZahra ParvandehM.Sc.Razmkhah2024-09-01
Optimal maintenance policy for systems with random number of componentsMotahareh ZaeemzadehP.H.D.Ahmadi2024-04-17
The number of failed components of coherent systems and its effect on optimal structures and policiesHanieh Alam YazdianM.Sc.Razmkhah2024-05-15
Detection and prediction of leaks in the water supply networkNima FakoorM.Sc.Arashi2024-04-29
Optimal age replacement policy for discrete lifetime systemsZeynab AbbasiM.Sc.Razmkhah2024-06-26
Investigating the properties of Topp-Leone bivariate distribution familiy based on mapping of the copula functionNima Dashti DarbandiM.Sc.Jabbari Nooghabi2024-05-27
Investigation in effective population size in biological researchFatemeh Harati NoM.Sc.Rezaei Roknabadi2024-10-09
Evidential inference with circular dataMohammad Reza SarvariP.H.D.Doostparast2024-09-05
Optimal maintenance during the warranty period for repairable products with random working cycleNegar FelfelaniM.Sc.Ahmadi2024-10-09
Traffic Incident Time Modeling Using Deep Survival AnalysisFateme MohammadiM.Sc.Arashi2024-09-23
Optimal burn-in policies based on minimal repairsMaryam Azmoudeh NezhadM.Sc.Ahmadi2024-10-09
Introductory statistics education using gamificationFatemeh Karimian JozanM.Sc.Sarmad2024-10-09
Maximum likelihood estimation using deep neural networksTaranom Torabi NemanM.Sc.Emadi2024-11-11
Graph Convolution Recurrent Neural Network for Traffic ForecastingHoda MehrbagherpourM.Sc.Arashi2024-12-02
Statistical methods in face recognition and emotion analysisMelika RahmaniM.Sc.Doostparast2024-12-23
Pairs balanced systems and their optimal maintenanceMaryam BeheshtiM.Sc.Razmkhah2025-01-13
Discussions of measures of tail risk based on economic inequalities and detailed baselinesroghaye ghorbaniP.H.D.Amini2025-01-19