Thesis Title Student Section Supervisor Defence Date
Section Supervisor
Consideration of eigenvalues of adjacency matrix of graph and their applicationsIrandokht Rezaei Abdollhossein ZadehM.Sc.Rahbarnia2010-09-19
Generalized maximum flow problem and some solution proceduresDonya HeydariM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2010-11-21
A comparison On The Performance Of Students' Mathematical Problem Solving Based On Revised Bloom TaxonomyFarzad RadmehrM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2011-06-19
Longer OLED Lifetime With Use Network Modeleselahe rezaei saniM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2011-06-25
Solving some partial differential equations and integral equations by two-dimensional differential transform methodsfahime firuzizadehM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2011-07-09
solving transportation and assignment problems with fuzzy, interval and probablistic parametersali shahrianM.Sc.Effati2011-07-30
Normal and skew-Hermitian splitting iteration method and its generalizationsDavod Kiani RadM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2011-08-03
A study on the effectiveness of math anxiety,attitude,attention and Working Memory Capacity on studentsMaryam HajibabaM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2011-09-10
A nonstandard finite-difference scheme for the Lotka-Volterra systemraziyeh afshar ghataliM.Sc.Gachpazan2011-09-10
Bifurcations of the DNA damage signal in a model differential equation for protein P^53fahime rangiM.Sc.Afsharnejad2011-09-13
The stability of the equilibrium of a pendulum of variable length and controlling chaos in a nonlinear pendulum with time-delayed systemabbas esmaili chapehM.Sc.Afsharnejad2011-09-22
Stability and bifurcation analysis in the delay-coupled Van der Pol oscillatorsmahmoud mortezapourM.Sc.Afsharnejad2011-09-22
Flexible BICG an flexible BI-CGSTAB for solving nonsymmetric linear systemskaveh rezai tarahomiM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2011-10-06
Smoothing Linear projection Operator and its Applications in solving convex optimization problemsalireza delbariM.Sc.Effati2011-10-06
A study on the effectiveness of mathematics difficulties on students` attitue and math anexitytayebeh mobasherM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2011-10-18
equitable coloring graphsmostafa moaiedM.Sc.Rahbarnia2011-11-06
Multiple step methods for solving fractional differential equations and investigation of the stability propertiesyahya avatefi nejadM.Sc.Gachpazan2011-11-08
A new preconditioner for CG method for Toeplitz systemsmansooreh kazemi beydokhtiM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2011-11-13
Integrating the Revised Bloom’sTaxonomy With Multiple Intelligences on mathematical performance in middle schoolsaleheh hamedianM.Sc.Rahbarnia2011-11-20
A Study On Mathematical Literacy in Elementary , Middle school and High school with The effectiveness of cognitive style and gender on it.robabeh afkhami banaemM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2011-12-11
investigation of the domination number on critical graphfarzaneh nadafanM.Sc.Rahbarnia2011-12-17
Zero-Free Intervals For Chromatic Polynomials of Graphsreza sadeghzadehM.Sc.Rahbarnia2011-12-29
Zero-sum Combinatorial game chromatic numberNarges Mir AziziM.Sc.Rahbarnia2011-12-31
The approximate solution for the infinite-time nonlinear quadratic optimal control problemFateme RajabliM.Sc.Effati2012-01-11
Portfolio optimization using neural networksensie hajinezhadM.Sc.Effati2012-02-01
Variational iteration method for fractional heat-and wave-like equation and investigate convergence of the method for multi-order fractional differential equationAbasalt NoorollahiM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2012-02-14
An optimal homotopy-analysis approach for solving nonlinear differential equationshossein saberiM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2012-02-14
Homework and math achievement and The mediating variables role of working memory capacity ,cognitive style and math self efficacy for themSHIMA MOOSAVIM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2012-03-04
Improving the accuracy of GMRES with deflated restartingzahra asgariM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2012-03-10
Inverse p-median Problem on graphsmohammadreza esfandiariM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2012-06-10
Matrix iterative solutions to the least squares problem of BXA^T=F with some linear constraintselham ramzani ghalebalaM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2012-06-26
An Arnoldi based algorithm for large algebric Riccati equationszahra naghdebishiM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2012-07-02
Algorithms on Hypergraphs MatchingM.Sc.Ghanbari2012-07-07
A study on the individual differences between middle school twin girls' mathematical performance and its predictorsmasoome moshkabadi mohajerM.Sc.Rahbarnia2012-07-14
finite difference methods for delay differential equationhosein heidari kang oliaM.Sc.Gachpazan2012-09-05
stability and bifurcation analysis for a predator-prey model with delayeliyeh taghaviM.Sc.Afsharnejad2012-09-17
Moving Least Squares Approximation for Solving One and Two Dimensional Integral Equationsforoogh rowshanravanM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2012-09-17
On Spectral Method for Solving Volterra integral equation of the Second typeOmid Navid SamadiM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2012-09-17
‍‍Chaos and optomal control of habitat destruction model and cancer modelzahra sabri razmM.Sc.Effati2012-09-18
Mathematical Models For Competitive Facility Location Problems (CFLP)zeinab sariM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2012-09-19
The Tau method for solving ordinary diffrential equation and integro-differential equationvajiheh rezazadeh mogadamM.Sc.Gachpazan2012-09-19
A Model for students' mathematical problem solving in calculus , algebra1 and analysis1saeed daneshamoozM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2012-09-19
The Chordal Graphs And Application Of Clique Tree In Chordal Graphroya marviM.Sc.Rahbarnia2012-09-20
A Comparative Study of Solution Methods for the Generalized Assignment Problemamir malek edalatianM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2012-09-20
The solution of linear quadratic fuzzy optimal control problemsoheil mohajer bakhtiariM.Sc.Effati2012-09-20
The matrix equations AX=B , XC=D with special constraintsvahid edalat pourM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2012-09-20
The role of goal orientations for students\' mathematical performance at school of engineering sciences of Ferdowsi univeristy of Mashhadozra zaherbin oshbiM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2012-10-21
Effect of influenza vaccination and theory of bifurcation on the model influenzazohre sadat bornasM.Sc.Afsharnejad2012-11-17
روش‌هاي نيمه تحليلي براي حل رده خاصي از مسايل ديفرانسيل غيرخطيAsghar GhorbaniPhDSaberi- Nadjafi2012-11-29
Some experiments with variable neighborhood search for the P-hub median problemmitra salimiM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2012-12-22
Investigation of Some Methods of Solving the Graph Coloring Problematefeh mousavi aslM.Sc.Rahbarnia2012-12-24
finite volume method for solving Elliptic problems in two and three dimensions with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditionSeyedeh Fatemeh Nassajian MojarradM.Sc.Kerayechian2013-01-13
Evaluating preconditioned Jacobi-type methods for solving Linear Systemsmaryam aghnikvaniM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2013-01-14
Approximate Optimal Control and Stability of Nonlinear Systemsfatemeh jamshidianM.Sc.Effati2013-01-14
Improving SOR iterative method by preconditioning for special matriceselham bagheri niyaM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2013-01-20
Supply chain network design using vatiational inequalitiesArezo RezazadehM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2013-01-21
Maximal covering location problems and generalizationsZahra GhorbaniM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2013-01-21
Effect of time-delay parameter on behaviour of some second order differential equations(ODE) and coupled ODE from point of view bifurcation and chaoszohreh dadiPhDAfsharnejad2013-01-22
Data Classification Using Mathematical ProgrammingAlaleh MaskookiM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2013-01-24
investigation of steiner tree problemDavod ElahiM.Sc.Rahbarnia2013-01-27
numerical solution of Fredholm Integral Equation by Finite Element Methodhamed zeidabadiM.Sc.Gachpazan2013-01-31
A study on student’s mathematical Concept image regarding cognitive styles and different spatial abilitymoazzam ebrahimiM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2013-02-06
Numerical methods for solving high order linear Volterra and Fredholm-Volterra integro-differential equationszohreh Dolat AbadiM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2013-02-06
University Course Timetabling Problemmahdi rezapourM.Sc.Ghanbari2013-02-09
Approximate solution of a class of Integral equations and optimal control problems with wavelets and scaling functionsMohammad MehrabinezhadPhDSaberi- Nadjafi2013-02-20
General Linear Methods for Ordinary Differential Equationsvahid zareiM.Sc.Soheili2013-03-02
Analysis of BAM neural networks with time delays and bifurcation analysis of some nonlinear systemselham javidmaneshPhDAfsharnejad2013-04-15
Numerical solution of two-dimensional nonlinear Fredholm integral equaions using specific functionsAtefeh GhanaatikashaniM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2013-06-08
Generalization of exp-function and other standard functions methods for solving a class of ordinary differential equationsashraf sarooniM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2013-06-13
Moving collocation methods for time fractional differential equationsMARZIYE BIGLARIM.Sc.Soheili2013-07-02
Application of the fixed Point theorem for analysis of the error in nonlinear integral equationsomid baghaniPhDGachpazan2013-07-09
Meta-heuristics for the uncapacitated single allocation hub location problemroya abyazi saniM.Sc.Ghanbari2013-07-23
The relationship between iron deficiency, anemia , Mathematical performance and its predictive factorsrobabeh abediM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2013-08-20
Integral inequalities and their applications in studying the stability solution of nonlinear integro-differential equationsjavad mehdi moghadamM.Sc.Gachpazan2013-09-11
solving a class of nonlinear optimization problems by neural networksMohammad MoghaddasM.Sc.Effati2013-09-15
Some methods in fuzzy Linear programming problems based on Kerre and Chen inequitieskhatere Ghorbani-MoghadamM.Sc.Ghanbari2013-09-16
Using some numerical methods solving for solving integral equations Urysohn formshima sanati hajarM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2013-09-17
The role of learning strategies at three dimensions: cognitive, metacognitive and management on K10 learners' Mathematical performancefahimeh hedayatiM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2013-09-17
considering existence periodic solutions for some infection modelssamira alizadehM.Sc.Afsharnejad2013-09-18
Multi-depot inventory routing problem with backlog ordersMostafa Kafaii RazaviM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2013-09-18
Investigation Multi-level algorithm for solving balanced graph k-Paritioning problemAmene Ghasab MehrjerdM.Sc.Rahbarnia2013-09-19
Investigating generalizations of the Euler-Maclaurin Summation Formula and its ApplicationsReza BehzadiM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2013-09-19
Exploring Iranian-Islamic Ethnomathematics and its potentials on teaching mathematicsali reza ziae tohidiM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2013-09-19
Solving a class of optimal control problems and its applicationsMohammad ShirazianPhDEffati2013-09-19
a new approach for solving nonsmooth constrained optimization problemsfarhad saraniM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2013-09-19
A study on the relationship between math anxiety,math self efficacy,creative thinking,learning styles and mathematical problem solving on students' mathematical problem posingseyedeh hamideh mousavi nezhadM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2013-09-21
A study on the role of cognitive style in applying metacognitive strategies in solving word mathematical problemsmahdi bargiM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2013-09-22
Numerical Solution Of The Time Optimal Control Systems With Nonsmooth DynamicZakareia EbrahimiM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2013-09-22
Solving of multi-order fractional boundary value problems using Haar waveletsRAZIEH NAGHAVI NIAM.Sc.Gachpazan2013-09-22
Adams methods for solving multi-order fractional differential equations and their stabilityelham jafari darbandiM.Sc.Gachpazan2013-09-22
iteration methods for solving algebraic equations based on Newton and Homotopy methodssaeide aminiM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2013-09-22
Moving mesh method for solving partial integro-differential equationszohre ramezaniM.Sc.Soheili2013-10-12
directed hypergraph and applicationGhazaleh GhaziM.Sc.Rahbarnia2013-12-16
hypergraph partitioningmona adhamiM.Sc.Rahbarnia2013-12-17
A study on the effectiveness of using math game on performance,learning environment,student\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'attitude and math anxiety.hesam fathiM.Sc.Rahbarnia2013-12-29
Solving a class of fuzzy and crisp programming problems and optimal control problem by neural networksAmin MansooriM.Sc.Effati2014-01-13
Approxiimations of the Generalized Hamilton-Jacobi-Belman Equationseyedkazem hashemiM.Sc.Effati2014-01-25
Robust optimization approaches for location problemshaniye nouriM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2014-01-27
Semidefinite programing relaxation of some integer programming problemsabas ghanbariM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2014-01-28
Numerical solution of fractional differential equations using Montz polynomialsSamaneh FeliM.Sc.Gachpazan2014-01-29
Dual based methods for uncapacitated facility location problemsEhsan MonabbatiPhDTaghizadeh Kakhki2014-01-30
The inventory- routing problem with transshipmentSahar Erfanian Golabforoushan Ahl YazdM.Sc.Ghanbari2014-01-30
Comparision of the LSQR, LSMR, and GMRES methods for solving least squareszahra karegarM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2014-01-30
Least squares methods for solving differential equations using Bézier control pointsaynaz shakibaM.Sc.Kerayechian2014-02-07
Analytical and numerical methods for fractional differential equations with delay and their stability investigationseyedeh zeinab mirzaeeM.Sc.Gachpazan2014-03-17
IMEX Runge-Kutta methods for partial differential equationsfahime mataji nimvariM.Sc.Soheili2014-04-09
Adaptive numerical methods for macroscopic traffic flow modelsnooshin davoodiPhDSoheili2014-05-01
moving mesh method for problems with blow-up on unbounded domainsali atashbaharM.Sc.Soheili2014-05-05
Implicit Radial Bases Function Method for Partial Differential EquationsRobabeh IzadshenasM.Sc.Soheili2014-05-08
existence and stability analysis of bifurcating periodic solution in some of the delayed BAM neural network modelmohsen khorshidiM.Sc.Afsharnejad2014-06-13
Dynamic Maximum-flow Network-Interdiction Problemmaria Afshari RadPhDTaghizadeh Kakhki2014-06-18
The role of teaching practices in the development of children’s interest in reading and mathematics in kindergartenalireza delbazM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2014-07-07
Equitable Coloring of Graphs and Graph Productsmaryam mahdi tabarM.Sc.Rahbarnia2014-07-23
New iterative methods based on the Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting for solving linear matrix equationsMohammad KhorsandPhDToutounian Mashhad2014-07-31
Iterative methods for solving the generalized inverse of toeplitz matricesakram ebrahimiM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2014-08-03
The regularization method for solving Fredholm integral equations of the firstTypeNafise GhabdyanM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2014-08-27
nonlinear differential equations for cancer tumor and immune system and bifuurcation theory roleamir saberM.Sc.Afsharnejad2014-09-10
Graph Coloring Games and Game Chromatic Indexmahboobeh mashayekhiniaM.Sc.Rahbarnia2014-09-14
Preventive maintenance based on fuzzy control for a power plant unitHamid GhobadiM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2014-09-15
Robust control of HIV infection by type-2 fuzzy systemManizheh Sadat ZendehM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2014-09-15
on some topological indices of graphsmahsa darkootiM.Sc.Rahbarnia2014-09-17
Spectral methods for integro-differential equations with vanishing proportional delayssamane shaabani kalateM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2014-09-17
Numerical methods for solutions of differential - algebriac equationsreza armaghanM.Sc.Gachpazan2014-09-18
Wavelets optimization for detection of lesions in retinaelahe moradiM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2014-09-21
Optimal control for a class of nonlinear parabolic problems thorough generalized quasilinearizationMohammad DehghannayyeriPhDVahidian Kamyad2014-09-21
Inverse median and parametric median problemsAli Reza SepasiyanPhDRahbarnia2014-09-21
Investigation approximation algorithms on based semidefinite programming for graph partitioning problemFahimeh choopanianM.Sc.Ghanbari2014-09-22
Graph coloring using neural networksnajme erfaniyanM.Sc.Rahbarnia2014-09-22
maximal covering hub location problem with multiple allocationmahboobeh abkhizyM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2014-09-22
Order condition and symmetry for two- step hybrid methodszohre khodayi nafteM.Sc.Soheili2014-10-07
The Block Least Squares Method for Solving Matrix Equationsmaryam mojarrabPhDToutounian Mashhad2014-10-23
Using traingular orthogonal functions for solving Fredholm integral equations and nonlinear Volterra- Fredholm integral equationsHakimeh Rahimi Kateh GoushM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2014-10-27
A higher_order compact ADI method for partial differential system.zahra verdiM.Sc.Soheili2014-11-24
Distribution of some Graph Invariants over Graph Operationsmostafa tavakoliPhDRahbarnia2014-12-11
Spectral graph clustering ,Agglomerative Hierarchical and Non-hierarchical clustering for mathematics education research dataFarzad RadmehrPhDAlamolhodaei2014-12-30
Coloring Of Fuzzy GraphSAMIRA ALIPOUR LORIM.Sc.Rahbarnia2015-01-01
Isomorphism on Fuzzy Graphs and Bipolar Fuzzy Graphszahra soleymanpourM.Sc.Rahbarnia2015-01-01
A New Approach for Numerical Solution of Some Classes of Differential and Integral EquationsEMRAN TOHIDIPhDToutounian Mashhad2015-01-24
A pivoting algorithm for solving linear programs with linear complementarity constraintsjavad mohammadniaM.Sc.Ghanbari2015-01-27
A nonstandard finite difference scheme for a mathematical model of the prevalence of smokingafsaneh hasanpourM.Sc.Gachpazan2015-01-28
The stability consideration of the dynamic model of tuberculosisbahareh masoudiM.Sc.Farahi2015-01-29
Solving of a class of partial differential equations by sub-ode methodmina mortazaviM.Sc.Gachpazan2015-01-29
the numarical solution of some optimal control systems with constant delay and pantograph delay via approximation functionsNajmeh GhaderiM.Sc.Farahi2015-01-29
A preconditioned dual affine interior point method for minimum cost network flow problemsmitra asadiM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2015-01-29
Chaotic dynamical systems: approximation solution, control and synchronizationHassan Saberi NikPhDSaberi- Nadjafi2015-02-07
Optimization methods for solving graph coloring problemmaryam alimirzayiM.Sc.Ghanbari2015-02-07
A recurrent neural network one-layer structure for solving quadratic programmahdi birouni kashaniM.Sc.Effati2015-02-22
Delay-dependent exponential stability analysis of delayed neural networksSamira SabetiM.Sc.Effati2015-02-24
The approximate timing of the impact of diabetes type 2 on kidney disease due to various factorssoraya rajeM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2015-02-25
optimal control of treatment in a basic hepatitis B virus infection of non smooth modelhoma mohammadianM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2015-02-25
Search for efficient general linear methods for ordinary differential equationabolfazl oroujiM.Sc.Soheili2015-03-01
Fast Iterative Methods for The Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equationsghasem razaviM.Sc.Kerayechian2015-03-03
On the numerical solution of stochastic ordinary differential equations with discrete or continuous approachesFazlollah SoleymaniPhDSoheili2015-03-18
Gegenbauer Spectral Methods for Solving Numrically Time-Fractional Partial Differential EquationsMohammad Mahdi IzadkhahPhDSaberi- Nadjafi2015-04-23
Recurrent Neural networks approach for solving several convex problems in machine learningSeyyed Hamid Mousavi HashemiM.Sc.Effati2015-05-06
Fractional Optimal Control Problems within Caputo's and Riemann-Liouville Derivativesreyhane zarrin farM.Sc.Farahi2015-06-08
Numerical solution of integral equations by successive method using wavelets and its extended on the two dimension integralmajid erfanianPhDGachpazan2015-07-22
using continuous optimization for solving some of graph partitioning problemsahmad aboiyM.Sc.Ghanbari2015-08-03
Using Facility Location Problem to Determine Optimal Policies to control ProjectsNarjes SabeghiPhDTareghian2015-09-12
scrutinize influence value of mobil, crystalline intelligence and memory capacity over mathematical efficiency of students in normal and talent schools.Majid ghanei aghkarizM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2015-09-13
Investigate the relationship between working memory capacity, fluid intelligence and the ability to solve math problems first grade of high school female students Bakherz cityPARI NAZ JALAL AHMADIM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2015-09-15
Study and Comparison on effect of mathematics teaching and neurofeedback on abilities of neuropsychological and learning of mathematics in spectrum autism childrenmohadeseh alizadehM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2015-09-20
The effect of the teaching by concept map on academic achievement and retention and, skills of self-regulation of mathematicsazam nakhaeeM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2015-09-20
Using particle swarm algorithm to solve the project portfolio problematiyeh mardaniM.Sc.Tareghian2015-09-21
The variational iteration method for solving linear and nonlinear Volterra integral equations and determination of periodic solutions for nonlineaer oscillations of nanowierselham sajadi radM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2015-09-21
Minimum concave cost multicommodity network flow problemamir bokaeinM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2015-09-21
Comparison of student's performance in representation of geometric sequence problems with two cognitive styles convergent / divergentBatool AzarmM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2015-09-22
analyzing seven grad mathematic books to investigate how much teachers have got to writer desiredgoalsmohamadreza khalilabadiM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2015-09-22
Pre_emptive resource constrained project scheduling with fast trackingseiedeh farzane adabyM.Sc.Tareghian2015-09-22
Decomposition Methods For Integer Linear ProgrammingAhmad KhorsandM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2015-09-22
optimal exponential synchronization of general chaotic delayed neural networks:An LMI approachfatemeh asadinezhadM.Sc.Effati2015-09-22
An Iterative methods for computing outer inverses with prescribed range and null spaces based on Penrose equationsEsmaeil Hatami siniM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2015-10-19
On fuzzy projection equation and applicationsMorteza PakdamanPhDEffati2015-12-13
Developing a fuzzy risk assessment system for operative mortality after CABG surgeryMahyar Taghizadeh NoueiPhDVahidian Kamyad2015-12-21
Solving linear quadratic optimal control problem with fractional derivativesnahid solovarziM.Sc.Effati2016-01-17
On some structural properties of Fullerene graphssamira rasouliM.Sc.Rahbarnia2016-01-23
fuzzy control type 2 diabetes with dietniusha jafarzadehM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2016-01-24
Nowhere-zero 3-flows of graphs with prescribed sizes of odd edge cutsElham BorzeshiM.Sc.Rahbarnia2016-01-25
Agreggation methods for simple plant location problemtoktam pourmahdiM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2016-01-27
Synchronization and anti-synchronization ,a clam of chaotic systems via adaptive on feedback controlssetareh javameM.Sc.Farahi2016-03-12
Preemption in resource-constrained project schedulingleila ilbeigiM.Sc.Tareghian2016-05-02
PROGRESS:Optimaly solving the generalized resource-constrained project scheduling problemElham EsmaeelyM.Sc.Tareghian2016-05-23
effect of procedural and conceptual teachers knowledge on students understanding in trigonometrymaryam mizbanM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2016-05-29
Analysing methods of computing lower bounds for resource-constrained project scheduling problemsomaye sadat delbariM.Sc.Tareghian2016-07-16
روش های تکراری مبتنی بر GI و LSI برای حل معادلات ماتریسی و معادلات ماتریسی سیلوستر تعمیم یافتهsamaneh nikoukarM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2016-07-18
Investigating of harmonic Arnoldi method and harmonic Rayleigh Ritz procedure and their extension for computing the interior eigenvalues of a large matrixsomayyeh ghadamyariM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2016-07-18
The moving least square reproducing kernel method and its convergence analysisfatemeh tahanM.Sc.Soheili2016-07-26
Bezier and B-Spline Curves and Applications in Computer Aided Designmorteza bumariM.Sc.Kerayechian2016-07-26
Numerical solution of the second order differential equations based on Runge–Kutta–Nyström (RKN) methodsamir mohsen sardarM.Sc.Soheili2016-09-14
solving a class of fractional optimal control problemelahe safaiePhDFarahi2016-09-15
Some Mathematical Models for transporting Hazardous Material, and a Case Studymahbobe ghaderi abgorgM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2016-09-17
Methods For Solving Fuzzy LR Linear Systems Using Non Linear programming.mahnoosh salariM.Sc.Ghanbari2016-09-17
Optimal Control of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems along with Persistent Disturbancesmahin gerivaniM.Sc.Effati2016-09-17
Metaheurestices Algorithm solving multi-criteria project portfolio selectionaliakbar sohrabiM.Sc.Ghanbari2016-09-19
The Voronoi Game on Graphshashem firozi songorabadiM.Sc.Rahbarnia2016-09-19
A metaheuristic algorithm for solving fuzzy bus terminal location problem.sahar rahdarM.Sc.Ghanbari2016-09-19
Bifurcations, chaos and application of drug control in discontinuous systems HIV and HTLVElham ShamsaraPhDAfsharnejad2016-09-21
Hybrid solution method for resource-constrained project scheduling problem using a new schedule generatortaiiebe hashemiM.Sc.Tareghian2016-10-03
Approximating positive solutions of boundary value problems of nonlinear first order ordinary differential equationsali saaghM.Sc.Gachpazan2016-10-04
Domination sets and its forcing in mycielski graphsMorteza SahragardM.Sc.Rahbarnia2016-10-09
General linear Nystrom method for solving second order differential equationskamel altmimiM.Sc.Soheili2016-10-16
On Equitable Coloring of Some Specific Graphsbatoolsadat ghadamgahiM.Sc.Rahbarnia2016-11-12
Numerical Solution for Volterra-Ferdholm Integral Equations with a Generalized Singular Kernelmuhammed alabboodM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2016-12-19
Numerical solution for three-dimensional nonlinear Volterra–Fredholm integral equations via block-pulse functionsAyoob AbedM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2016-12-20
A New Parallel Iterative Algorithm for Solving 2D Poisson EquationFezeh BarzegarM.Sc.Soheili2017-01-09
Studying some adjacency-based invariants of graphsmohadese ebrahim zadeM.Sc.Rahbarnia2017-01-12
Some Optimization problems in forestryroghayeh kazemiM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2017-01-21
On Star Coloring of GraphsBahare Akhavan MahdaviM.Sc.Rahbarnia2017-01-29
Stochastic Differential Equations and its Application to Option Pricingsanaz mousaviM.Sc.Soheili2017-02-04
Mathematical modelling and novel approaches to goal oriented taxation in the free trade zones (Sirjan Economic Zone)mahdi ranjbar taghi abadPhDVahidian Kamyad2017-02-08
The effect of teaching software to improve learning and reducing misconception in grade 2 high school mathematics studentdhoorieh rahimianM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2017-02-13
multi-period fuzzy portfolio optimizationZOHREH YAZDANIM.Sc.Ghanbari2017-02-15
Finding the approximate solution of some distributed optimal control problems using meshless methodsmajid darehmirakiPhDFarahi2017-02-15
Solving a Class of Fractional Optimal Control ProblemsSamaneh Soradi zeidPhDVahidian Kamyad2017-02-15
A parallel metaheuristic algorithm for the master scheduling production problemSedigheh SadeghiM.Sc.Ghanbari2017-02-18
Optimal Reassignment of manpowers in corporations that have matrix structurefatemeh tahaniM.Sc.Ghanbari2017-02-18
solving a class of time-delay fractional optimal control problemmaryam alibanaie kavakiM.Sc.Effati2017-02-18
Optimal control of HIV Dieases by Fractional order Dynamicsamane saqiM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2017-02-18
Euclidean maximum ow network interdiction problemSina Haji KazemiM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2017-02-18
Study of ability of 11th grade students' proof for mathematical proving and disproving of propositions on the subject of algebraic functions in Mashhad citykobra moradiM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2017-03-12
A radial basis function method for solving PDE-constrained optimization problemsnahid vatan khahanM.Sc.Effati2017-03-14
Solving a class of time optimal control problems with time delaynajmeh nasrabadiM.Sc.Effati2017-04-29
On Distance-Based Graph InvariantsHamed FaramarziPhDRahbarnia2017-05-18
On the optimal design of water distribution network by programming mathematicalzahra teimoriM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2017-06-21
Application of List Graph Coloring for Multiple Depot Vehicle SchedulingSamane BakaeinM.Sc.Rahbarnia2017-07-04
Numerical solution of second-order ordinary differential equations using direct methodsSadeq KhosraviM.Sc.Gachpazan2017-08-02
Investigating the Effect of Teaching Mathematical Modeling Problems on Students’ Flow Experience and their Performance in Various Mathematical Problems, Goal Orientation and their Attitude Towards MathematicsBibizakieh ParhizgarPhDAlamolhodaei2017-08-16
Numerical solution of Volterra integral equations of the first kind with discontinuous kernelDhurgham MusaferM.Sc.Gachpazan2017-08-22
Solving fractional order population growth model by using fractional shift Legendre polynomialsHAIDER MAHDIM.Sc.Gachpazan2017-09-05
A Comparative Study and Comparison of the Understanding of Third-Year Students of Mentally and Students in High Schools of Ferdows and Mahvelat Citys from the Concept of Conducting the Framework for APOS Theoryhossein gomnamM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2017-09-10
Solving Fuzzy linear programming problem with bipolar fuzzy relationalwalaa alameerM.Sc.Ghanbari2017-09-12
A master scheduling model with skilled and unskilled temporary workers with uncertain datazahra rahimiM.Sc.Ghanbari2017-09-16
Maximizing the OPEC's crude oil profit under the influence of political and economical factorsAida RiahifarM.Sc.Tareghian2017-09-18
Aproximate solution of dynamic model ofHIV/AIDS trranmission from contaminated mother to child and its fuzzy modelToktam RaissosadatiM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2017-09-19
Designing and implementing a new generator for resource constrained project scheduling problemsMohammad Amin Ghaffari ShadM.Sc.Tareghian2017-09-19
Bifurcations and chaos of continuous and discontinuous system of differential equations in Tourism economics and Wing flutterZahra MonfaredPhDAfsharnejad2017-09-20
Survey the Problem-Solving and Problem-Posing Abilities of Middle students (Experimental Sciences) in Consept of Trigonometryzahra ahmad nia feiz abadM.Sc.Rahbarnia2017-09-20
Semi-Complementarity Functions and Their Application for Solving Complementarity Dynamical SystemsSeyed Mohsen MiriPhDEffati2017-09-20
Numerical solutions of Volterra integral equation with weakly singular kernel using SCW methodgholamreza pourmohammadM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2017-09-20
Stochastic Regression Using Support Vector Machinemaryam abaszadePhDEffati2017-09-20
Evaluating the Understanding of the Fourth Grade High School Female Students from Riemann Integral Based on David Talls Three World TheoryAbdullah RezaeiM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2017-09-21
Study on Structures and Operators of Fuzzy GraphsMahdi KazemiM.Sc.Rahbarnia2017-09-21
Approximation solution of fractional order optimal control problemsSeyed Ali RakhshanPhDVahidian Kamyad2017-09-21
New course of actions in the selection of the optimal portfolio of projectMorteza JafarzadehPhDTareghian2017-09-21
Using of art in the mathematics education based on STEAM educationNaemeh SajadiM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2017-09-21
Investigation of the existence and uniqueness of the solution of differential equations driven uncertain processsamira siah mansouriPhDGachpazan2017-10-10
Noise Reduction in Image Processing Based on Partial Differential Equationsneda mohamadiPhDSoheili2017-10-18
The Numerical Solution of a Class of Volterra Partial Integro-Differential Equations by B-Splines Collocation Methodmohammad gholamianPhDSaberi- Nadjafi2017-10-19
Accelerating the Convergence of Krylov subspace methods for the Drazin-inverse solution of singular linear systemsReza BuzhabadiPhDToutounian Mashhad2017-10-19
Chaotic Neural Networks, Control, Synchronizationmostafa zarefardPhDEffati2017-10-21
Hopf bifurcation, chaos and the effect of drug for continuous and discontinuous systems of HTLV-I and LeukemiaREIHANEH MOSTOLIZADEHPhDAfsharnejad2017-11-02
Exploring students' mathematical comprehension in a paper-pencil and a dynamic assessmentFahimeh KolahdouzPhDAlamolhodaei2018-01-20
Solving a Class of Vector Optimization Problems Using Neural Networktayyebeh asrari dorohM.Sc.Effati2018-01-21
An accelerated Benders decomposition approach for the capacitated facility location problemhoma salehifarM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2018-01-24
Synchronization of fractional order chaotic systemsamirreza ghaziM.Sc.Effati2018-01-31
Bifurcation analysis and chaos control in Shimizu-morioka system and Finance system.majid shirazianM.Sc.Effati2018-02-04
Control and synchronization of chaos systems using time-delay estimation and Time-delayed Feedback Controlehsan oladiM.Sc.Effati2018-02-04
Examining students’ performance in solving problems about fractional and decimal numbers based on SOLO taxonomyBehruz TaghizadehM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2018-02-14
A simulation and evaluation of earned value metrics to forecast the project durationazam mojarradM.Sc.Tareghian2018-02-17
matrix differentiation and its applicationsamane naseriM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2018-02-17
Sub optimal cutting stocks problem in one-dimensional , two-dimensional , theredimensionalAli Farhan HashooshM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2018-02-18
A numerical method for solving matrix diffrential equationsseyede fereshte seyed moosaviM.Sc.Gachpazan2018-02-19
Solving of fractional-order optimal control problems by measure theoryehsan ziaeiPhDFarahi2018-03-08
Extended numerical methods for solving boundary value problems for singularly perturbed differential-difference equationsfa akhavanPhDSaberi- Nadjafi2018-03-15
Reassignment tasks to available employees when some employees are in vacation in IraqDHURGAM ALSAADIM.Sc.Ghanbari2018-05-22
An Analytical-Approximate Solution for Volterra Partial Integro-Differential Equations with a Weakly Singular Kernel Using the Fractional Differential Transform MethodRezvan Ghoochani shirvanPhDSaberi- Nadjafi2018-05-31
Compact finite difference method for integro-differential equationshamideh abolhasan zadehM.Sc.Kerayechian2018-06-09
Partial Differential Equations and Their Application in Mathematical Modeling of Wound HealingIman Kafian AttariM.Sc.Soheili2018-06-10
A new operational method to solve Abel's and generalized Abel's integral equationsZakariya Hakim Hasan AllaghweeM.Sc.Ghorbani2018-07-08
An Investigation of the Domination Number and the Independent Domination Number in Classes of Graphsseyed akbar sajadizadeM.Sc.Rahbarnia2018-07-15
A Study of Graph Coloring, Star Coloring and k-Distance and Its Applicationslaya golamooieM.Sc.Rahbarnia2018-07-15
Encryption and decryption and encryption and barcode security with the help of sets and numerical bases, matrices and differential equationsLAYIH AL-AMERIM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2018-07-31
A review of three categories of three conjugate gradient methodsshiva gharaeiM.Sc.Ghanbari2018-08-07
Synchronization and stability analysis in a class of fractional order chaotic systemsAhmad RuzitalabPhDFarahi2018-08-08
Numerical Solution of a Complex Integral Equations by using Periodic Quasi Waveletshossein beigloPhDGachpazan2018-08-15
The numerical solution of some classes of nonlinear integral and ordinary integro-differential equationsHossein DaliriPhDSaberi- Nadjafi2018-08-29
Synchronization ‎and‎ Anti-synchronization of different fractional-order chaotic systemsAhmad mohammadpour moghaddamM.Sc.Effati2018-09-04
Application of the APOS-ACE Theory to Improve Students’ Graphical Understanding of Derivativevahid BorjiPhDAlamolhodaei2018-09-09
Numerical Approximation of Cyclic Steam Injection Models in Oil Reservoirs Using Multigrid Methodhaniye hajinezhadPhDSoheili2018-09-11
The approximate-analytical approaches for a class of fractional nonlinear optimal control problemsJavad SabouriPhDEffati2018-09-12
On global defensive alliances in graphsHanifa MosawiM.Sc.Tavakoli2018-09-16
Impact of using ‎GeoG‎ebra software in formal calculus (1) curriculum on improving Students understanding of the limit concepthamid sarabiM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2018-09-18
Solving bus terminal location problem using data envelopment analysis with multi objective programming approachAtefe TaqaviM.Sc.Ghanbari2018-09-18
Some properties and topological indices of graphs under graph operationsIrandokht Rezaee AbdolhosseinzadehPhDRahbarnia2018-09-22
Exploring students’ abilities and attitudes towards problem posing in integral calculusMahboubeh nedaeiM.Sc.Rahbarnia2018-09-22
Solving linear equations using some combinatorial approacheskaveh rezai tarahomiPhDRahbarnia2018-09-22
Multistep collocation methods and Two-step almost collocation methods for Volterra integral equationssahar ebrahimi arefiM.Sc.Gachpazan2018-09-22
The Structure of the Hesitant Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process(HFAHP)maryam mehrparvarPhDVahidian Kamyad2018-09-22
Evaluation of deterministic state-of-the-art forecasting approaches for project duration based on eared value managemenkobra gholamiM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2018-10-17
Block CMRH method and its development for solving the matrix equationssaeide aminiPhDToutounian Mashhad2018-10-24
Controllability and observability of fuzzy control systems and solving quadratic fuzzy optimal control problemsroya mastianiPhDEffati2018-11-13
Investigation of some Krylov subspace methods for shifted linear systemsATEFEH ESTINIM.Sc.Toutounian Mashhad2018-11-20
solving integral equations via generalized fractional calculusakram pachenari torghabeM.Sc.Gachpazan2018-12-02
synchronization and anti-synchronization of chaotic and hyperchaotic systems with known and unknown parametersmahshid shakeriM.Sc.Farahi2018-12-09
Domination parameters in certain families of graphsgholamreza abrishamimoghadamPhDRahbarnia2018-12-10
Reproducing kernel Hilbert space method for solving a Class of linear and Nonlinear Integral Equationsmohadeseh khishavandiM.Sc.Gachpazan2018-12-17
Projection equation, neural networks and applicationsAmin MansooriPhDEffati2018-12-19
stabilty snalysis of a food chain model consisting of two competetive preys and one predatoratefeh fathabadiM.Sc.Afsharnejad2019-01-02
Evaluation of open loop Nash equilibrium in noncooperative differential gamesjamal hajipourM.Sc.Effati2019-02-02
investigating the components of event-related brain potentials (ERP) of students with deep and superficial conceptual and procedural knowledge in transformation and interpretation of functionsnajmeh farsadPhDAlamolhodaei2019-02-05
Local Metric Generator Sets in GraphsReyhane rezvan zadeh moghaddamM.Sc.Tavakoli2019-02-05
Approximate solution for one and two dimensional integral equations with complex factors by using the collocation redial basis functions methodmahmood rasaM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2019-02-13
stability and convergence of numerical methods for fractional partial differential equations with Riesz space fractional derivativeshossein gholami chahkandM.Sc.Gachpazan2019-02-16
Approximate solution of a crisp and fuzzy dynamic model of HIV epidemicvahideh rezaei shadM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2019-02-16
Using the Moving Mesh Method for Tumours Growth and Tsunami Modelsmina bagherpoorfardPhDSoheili2019-02-19
approximate solution of a class of fuzzy nonsmooth programming problemsMohammad Mehdi MazareiPhDVahidian Kamyad2019-02-19
numerical solution of a class of fuzzy nonlinear optimal control problemsAli Asghar BehroozpourPhDVahidian Kamyad2019-02-19
Approximate solution for linear and nonlinear Fredholm integral equations in higher dimensional case by barycentric interpolation collocation methodsAhmad Arasteh ShoorabM.Sc.Saberi- Nadjafi2019-02-19
Hesitant Fuzzy Approach for Prioritizing Distributed Generationsmojgan masoomiM.Sc.Vahidian Kamyad2019-02-19
The Metric Dimension and Unique Basis Graphsmostafa mohagheghi nejhadPhDRahbarnia2019-04-13
Solving water balance equations using efficient meta-heuristic algorithmsAli MehrabianM.Sc.Ghanbari2019-04-25
The ROW type Rung-kutta method for solving differential algebraic equationsIhab Hadi Jumaah AlfrijawiM.Sc.Soheili2019-06-15
Genetice algorithm on uncapacitated multiple assignment and independent stochastic transportation costs hub location problemMaryam ZeraatiM.Sc.Ghanbari2019-06-20
Improvement of convergence of ‎Hessenberg and ‎CMRH MethodsZohreh RamezaniPhDToutounian Mashhad2019-07-13
On the possibility of using puzzle-based learning to improve the teaching and learning of differential equationsfaezeh rezvanifardM.Sc.Radmehr2019-07-14
Exploring resources, orientations, and goals of Year 12 mathematics teachers and mathematics lecturersAli borjiM.Sc.Radmehr2019-07-15
Components of pedagogical content knowledge for teaching limits and continuityaliyeh hosseiniM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2019-07-16
Star coloring, distance coloring, dominated coloring in graphs and their applicationsshokoufe banayan kermaniM.Sc.Rahbarnia2019-07-20
Dominating, independent dominating and total dominating sets in certain families of graphszahra hamed labbafianM.Sc.Rahbarnia2019-07-20
Differential nash equilibrium with time shiftFarzane GhalandarabadiM.Sc.Effati2019-09-18
Multiple Slaves synchronization of fractional choatic systemsMohsen Farmani ArdehaeiPhDFarahi2019-09-22
A Numerical Method for Solving a Series of Optimal Fraction Control Problemsmahnaz zeynaliM.Sc.Effati2019-11-11
A meshless method based on radial interpolation to solve two dimensional linear Fredholm integral equationshedayat fatahiPhDSaberi- Nadjafi2019-12-12
Study of voting protocols based on non-­crisp preferencesHananeh Jabari AlamdashtM.Sc.Ramezanian2019-12-16
Bifurcation of traveling waves and exact solutions of modified KP equation with fractional time‏-spaceRAHMATULLAH QARLOQM.Sc.Gachpazan2019-12-25
Robuse and Highly Accurate Error Estimators For Second Order ODEsmohammad sakhiM.Sc.Soheili2019-12-29
A Study of the Kidney Exchange Models , and Some Suggestions for ImprovementsAbdollah GhalishooyanM.Sc.Taghizadeh Kakhki2020-01-02
The meshless method for solution of the fractional Black-Scholes equationsedigheh sharifianPhDSoheili2020-02-10
Impact Assessment of DIF on Students Math Performancemohammadreza borzuM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2020-02-12
studing the dominator and dominated colorings graphszahra asadiM.Sc.Tavakoli2020-02-16
Exploring students' understanding of the concept of continuity based on the APOS learning theorynaser MollamohammadiM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2020-02-18
Exploring high school students understanding and performance in the concept of function through problem posingATEFE DEHBASHIM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2020-02-18
Solving initial and boundary value problems of fractional ordinary differential equations by using collocation and fractional powersDoaa Wafaa Kamil Al- NassarM.Sc.Soheili2020-02-18
‎‎Solving optimal control problems governed by PDE`s using Bernestein polynomialsnarjes sadat hosainiM.Sc.Farahi2020-02-19
Spectral projection method for solving of Fredholm-Hammerstein integral equations and its convergenceMahboobeh Gandomi SaniM.Sc.Gachpazan2020-02-19
A Legendre approximation for the hypersingular integral equationsfatemeh zohdiM.Sc.Ghorbani2020-02-19
A spectral element method for ‎some two-dimensional‎ Dirichlet problems‏Mostafa Kafaei RazaviPhDKerayechian2020-02-19
Numerical Solution and Stability of the Mathematical Model of Human Behaviors ‎during ‎catastrophic ‎events‎ as an Epidemic Model of fractional Derivativesazam hejaziM.Sc.Soheili2020-05-11
Optimal control of the customer dynamics based on marketing policyabdullah awaisawiM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2020-06-11
Investigating fuzzy optimal control problems using the parametric representation of fuzzy numbersHASAN RAMADHAN MUSA AL_SHAHROORM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2020-06-18
Modified moving least squares method for one-dimensional and two-dimensional linear and nonlinear systems of Fredholm integral equationsNavid ForouhiM.Sc.Gachpazan2020-07-22
Edge metric dimension of graphs and its relation with vertex metric dimentsionFADHIL AL-SABBAGHM.Sc.Tavakoli2020-08-23
Solving nonsmooth optimization problems with recurrent neural networkshoma pouyanfarM.Sc.Effati2020-09-07
A Diagnostic and Prognostic Prediction Model for Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Using Artificial IntelligentMansoure SabourM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2020-09-10
Exploring the possibility of using flipped-classroom teaching method to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics at undergraduate levelMansoureh MirsondosiM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2020-09-19
A variational iteration method for solving nonlinear Lane-Emden problemsSATAR JABARI ZEDAN ALSAJILM.Sc.Ghorbani2020-09-19
Solve nonlinear equations of urban water supply ‎networksMahdi AhmadniaM.Sc.Ghanbari2020-09-21
Neural networks, graph application problems and fuzzy optimizationmohammad eshaghnezhadPhDRahbarnia2020-09-21
Comparison of constructionism and traditional teaching methods in the academic achievement of mathematicsmostafa ahmadiM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2020-09-21
An Introduce of a mathematical model for prediction of mathematical performanceabbas amaniPhDAlamolhodaei2020-10-21
Energy of graphs and its relation with graph coloring problemALI ALSAILAWIM.Sc.Tavakoli2020-11-11
Sinc-Munitz-Legendre collocation method for solving a class of nonlinear fractional partial differentional equationsMahmood Shareef AjeelPhDSoheili2020-12-09
On Matching Preclusion Number of GraphsMOHAMMED AL_SAEEDIM.Sc.Tavakoli2021-01-09
Developing a model of students’ combinatorial thinking using grounded theory approachnaghme salavatinejadPhDAlamolhodaei2021-01-30
smoothing nonsmooth optimization problem and solving them with recurrent neural networksmahla EramianM.Sc.Effati2021-01-31
The two-level finite difference schemes for the heat equation with nonlocal initial conditionsFereshte AbasianM.Sc.Soheili2021-02-17
Sensor placement in large scale network-Water distribution networkFateme KhodatarsM.Sc.Ghanbari2021-02-18
On Special Types of Graphs Coloringghazale ghaziPhDRahbarnia2021-03-13
Pareto optimality in cooperative differential gamesMalihe MazhabYousefiM.Sc.Effati2021-03-13
Approximate solution ‏of ‎‎a class of optimal control problems governed by fractional partial differential equations using Bernstien polynomialsali ketabdariPhDFarahi2021-04-07
Numerial Methods for the baskets optionsyasser taherinasabPhDSoheili2021-07-13
Using Gamification for teaching algorithm to elementary highSchool studentsSeyedhMaryam HashemizouM.Sc.Ramezanian2021-08-07
Exploring students’ mathematical understanding of the concept of tree using APOS theory and Tall’s three worlds of mathematicsMaryam TaghizadehM.Sc.Radmehr2021-09-18
Investigation of an improved conjugate gradient method for solving the system of nonlinear equationsinas al-hachamiM.Sc.Gachpazan2021-09-19
Investigating the effect of social distance and the use of masks in preventing the spread of Covid 19 viruseman tavakoliM.Sc.Effati2021-09-19
A numerical method for solving singular and hypersingular equation relative to calculating stress intensity factor on the multiple crak problem using basis functionsraziyeh ghorbanpoorPhDSaberi- Nadjafi2021-09-19
Numerical solution of a class of partial differential equations of fractional order and fractional integro-differential equations using generalization of the Bessel functions and two-dimensional fractional Muntz–Legendre polynomialsElias Hengamian AslPhDSaberi- Nadjafi2021-09-20
Data validation and reconciliation in the steady state water supply systemjavad fatemi moghaddam saghiM.Sc.Ghanbari2021-09-20
A direct method for solving calculus of variations using the whale optimization algorithmmohsen mansouriM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2021-09-20
A Coupling method of local fractional variational iteration method and‎ ‎Yang‎- ‎Laplace transform for solving a class of linear and nonlinear local‎ ‎fractional partial differential equation‎, ‎linear and nonlinear local‎ ‎fractional KdV equationsHoma AfrazPhDSaberi- Nadjafi2021-09-21
Equitable total coloring of graphsseyed ali asghar mousaviM.Sc.Rahbarnia2021-09-21
Mathematical modeling, analysis, and simulation of tumor dynamics with drug interventionsALIREZA SAFFARZADEHM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2021-09-21
Applying recurrent neural networks for solving a class of nonsmooth optimization problemsfatemeh nasiriM.Sc.Effati2021-09-22
The solution of a class of optimal control problems of partial differential equationsshojaeddin ghasemiPhDEffati2021-09-22
Solving a Class of Time-Delay Optimal Control Problems Using Dynamic ProgrammingAtefeh Gooran OrimiPhDEffati2021-09-22
Coloring interval graph and aplicationssamane khoshnod ostadM.Sc.Rahbarnia2021-09-22
‎Extension of the ‎GPBiCG method‎, ‎convergence analysis and its applicationsatefeh taherianPhDToutounian Mashhad2021-12-22
solving Large-scale Non-smooth Optimization Problems using Smothing technologyahmad aboiy mehriziPhDGhanbari2021-12-27
Solving Fractional differential equations By radial basis functions and sincnafiseh noghreiPhDKerayechian2022-01-30
A study on 5 well-known course allocation mechanismsAkram Zendedel BilandiM.Sc.Ramezanian2022-02-16
Distance-balanced graphs and relations of their topological indexsm hosseinipourPhDRahbarnia2022-02-17
On L-2,1--coloring of some graphsTaraneh ZouriM.Sc.Tavakoli2022-02-19
The k-Metric Dimension of Product GraphsYahya MahmoudiM.Sc.Tavakoli2022-03-09
mathematical modeling the effects of non-pharmacological interventions on the prevalence of SARS-COV-2 disease using optimal control strategy and predicting vaccine effects in the populationAtefe FiroozbakhshM.Sc.Effati2022-03-09
Numerical solution of two-dimensional hyperbolic telegraph equations by using An accurate meshless collocation methodMotahareh ElahinasabM.Sc.Soheili2022-06-15
Explicit Solutions of Optimization Models and Differential Games with Nonsmooth -Asymmetric- Reference-Price Effectszahra roohiM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2022-07-06
Investigation of generalized support vector machineALAA JASIM MEZAALM.Sc.Effati2022-08-21
Quadratic optimal control problems for discrete time delay systemsMahbube DeirpurradM.Sc.Effati2022-09-07
Approximate and numerical solution of BVPs using Lidstone polynomialsAMIN ABRISHAMI MOGHADAMM.Sc.Soheili2022-09-10
Comparison of the intended mathematics curriculum of first to eighth grades in Iran, Singapore and AustraliaMahdi Salahi Sini M.Sc.Alamolhodaei2022-09-10
Global stability and cost effectiveness analysis of Covid19 considering the impact of the environmentZahra DayheemM.Sc.Rahbarnia2022-09-13
boundary value problems by Radial basis functions methodsmohsen sakhdariM.Sc.Soheili2022-09-14
Solving a Class of Optimal Control Problem Via Sub-ODE Methodmohammad gholami baladezaeiPhDGachpazan2022-09-18
Numerical solution of improved macroscopic traffic flow model for air ‎networkMahboubeh Houshyar SadeghianPhDGachpazan2022-09-18
Neumerical-analytic Methods for Linear Quadratic Delay Optimal Control problemsTahereh JabbarikhanbehbinPhDGachpazan2022-09-19
Investigating seventh grade students' understanding of numerical and figural patterns based on APOS theoryMorteza VafaeiM.Sc.Alamolhodaei2022-09-20
Mathematical data-deriven modeling on COVID-19 pandemie and numerical simulationReza BakhshiM.Sc.Soheili2022-09-20
Exploring the possibility of using proofs without words to improve the teaching and learning of integral calculusmahnaz ezzatiM.Sc.Radmehr2022-09-21
Some Parameters Of Product Graphs, Specially Power Two Graphssajad sohrabi hesanPhDRahbarnia2022-09-21
Linear quadratic optimal control problem with fuzzy variables via neural networkAneseh KazemiM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2022-09-21
A meshless method based on RBFs for homogeneous and nonhomogeneous backward heat conduction problembaydaa alwazniM.Sc.Soheili2022-12-11
Solving discrete time-delay optimal control problemsseyed mostafa abdolkhaleghzadeh sherbafPhDEffati2022-12-20
Solving stochastic optimal controls linear regulator problemsmohammad hossein fotoohi bafghiPhDEffati2022-12-22
Solving fractional differential equations using spectral methods with fractional polynomialsHadi DarvishiPhDKerayechian2023-01-14
Fractional spectral differentiation matrices based on Legendre approximationAnsam Salam Al-hashimiM.Sc.Ghorbani2023-01-30
Positioning mobile base stations in the 5G networkMina PirkheibaryM.Sc.Ghanbari2023-02-01
A new modified Adomian decomposition method and its multistage form for solving nonlinear boundary value problems with Robin boundary conditionsasma hilal jawad al-baajM.Sc.Ghorbani2023-02-05
Modeling the Spread of MeaslesElahe KianiM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2023-02-15
Using a hybrid algorithm based on machine learning algorithm and neural network to predict the closing price of the stock on the next dayleila mohammadzadehM.Sc.Ghanbari2023-02-22
Introducing an improved differential evolution algorithm and its application in optimization problemsnavid barati_laghabM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2023-02-25
Strong convergence analysis of finite element and spectral collocation methods for some classes of SPDEs with fractional Brownian motionsMahdieh ArezoomandanPhDSoheili2023-02-26
Mathematical modeling and numerical analysis of nano-cell drug delivery to cancer cellsToktam Sadat HoseynipanahM.Sc.Soheili2023-02-26
Modeling and Vaccination as Optimal Control of Ebola Virus Epidemicahmad chakerihakamiM.Sc.Effati2023-02-26
Image Enhancement using Fractional Calculations.Mina MortazaviPhDGachpazan2023-04-17
Two-stage algorithm for solving arbitrary trapezoidal fully fuzzy sylvester matrix equationsbahareh ansariM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2023-07-01
Numerical solution of a class of initial and boundary value problems Using the multistage optimal homotopy asymptotic methodHamzah Abdulameer Waheeb Al TameemiM.Sc.Gachpazan2023-08-29
Solving the Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions using the high-order compact finite difference methodSARAH ALOUDAHM.Sc.Soheili2023-09-09
Introducing a new type two intuitionistic fuzzy clustering algorithm and comparing its performance with some well-known fuzzy clustering algorithms.Mahsa HamidiM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2023-09-10
On the distance spectra of graphsAtefeh Naderi M.Sc.Tavakoli2023-09-17
Solving second order non-linear hyperbolic PDEs using meshless generalized finite difference methodHiyam RadhiM.Sc.Soheili2023-10-04
A study on cancer-obesity treatment in cell model with quadratic control approachSajad GolchinM.Sc.Effati2023-10-16
Optimal integration of drones in the future cellular network with uncertain datazahra rahimiPhDGhanbari2024-01-11
Gamification of mobile money payment for generating customer value in emerging economies: The social impac theory perspectivetFatemeh MerajiM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2024-02-12
Optimal treatment strategies for delayed cancer-immune system with multiple therapeutic approachLina HajizadaM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2024-02-14
Improving data clustering using meta-heuristic algorithms and fuzzy hesitant setsSimin RezaeiM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2024-02-17
Radial basis function-finite difference method for constant and variable order fractional advection-diffusion equation and its application in air pollution investigationMarzieh BiglariPhDSoheili2024-02-19
Adaptive optimal control for continuous-time linear systems with completely unknown dynamicsMina MohammadabadiM.Sc.Effati2024-02-19
Modeling the Spread of Dengue feverNarjes Rafe DashtebayazM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2024-02-19
Investigating the applications of fuzzy logic in financial investment in the field of start-upsNegar NajjariM.Sc.Ghanbari2024-03-16
Candle Color Prediction‎, ‎Bullish or Bearish by Algorithm Support Vector Machine in Binary Option Trading ForexHasan Reza NamjoomaneshM.Sc.Effati2024-07-07
Relaxed Constraints Twin Support Vector MachineHamideh FadisheheiM.Sc.Effati2024-08-17
Mathematical modeling of tumor growth and treatment breast cancerMohammad Navid StanikzaiM.Sc.Effati2024-08-17
Support Vector Machine for Class Imbalance LearningAbdullah MohammadiM.Sc.Effati2024-09-15
Reframing Optimal Control Problems for Infectious Disease Management in Low-Income CountriesMaryam GhasemzadehM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2024-09-16
Solving Type-2 Fuzzy Optimization problem for tourism routes by using a heuristic algorithmRazie TorabiM.Sc.Ghanbari2024-09-16
Using approximate algorithms for some types of graph coloringHanifa MosawiPhDTavakoli2024-09-17
graph irregularity and its measuresJavad BahadoriM.Sc.Tavakoli2024-09-18
Retrieval-­Based Automatic Question Answering in PersianZahra Ghamari GhalibafM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2024-09-18
A comparative analysis of forecasting poor data using improved grey modelsSajedeh Hedayatollahi PourM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2024-09-18
Hyperparameter tuning in Transformer neural network via metaheuristic optimization algorithmsHossein JabariM.Sc.Solaymani Fard2024-09-18
Effective numerical method for optimal control of HIV delayed modelAli ShalbafzadehM.Sc.Effati2024-09-19
Diabetes Disease ModelingMasoumeh DadashpourM.Sc.Effati2024-09-19
Numerical approximation of mathematical model for treatment of type 1 diabetsHadis KhosraviM.Sc.Soheili2024-11-13
Natural gas demand forecasting at pressure reducing stationsParham PishroM.Sc.Ghanbari2024-11-30
Exploring the Teaching and Learning of Laplace Transforms in Electrical Engineering Education: Anthropological theory of the didactic approachFaezeh RezvanifardPhDGachpazan2025-01-01